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It come to a conclusion after a long battle with my Mrs that i can not keep my stack no more due to size and space .......

My currect stack consist TCBH500 and two TC BC2x12 cabinet.

They aren't exactly heavy but still pretty big in the house.

Was wondering whats a decent light weight combo that can do medium gig and DI out for PA support (so the amp can be use for stage monitor).

Was looking at the Markbass CMD JB because is cheap £400-500 with 250watt and 1x15. Not sure is it good or not. Any other option would be welcome.


Well if looking at Markbass I would be tempted to look at used combos, rather than the one mentioned. I`ve no experience of that one, but for not much more you`ll get a used 1x12, 1x15 or 2x10 500 watt combo at 40hms, so the combo itself will push 300ish on its own without an extension speaker. I use my Mini CMD121P on it`s own in one of my bands, and it copes very well, so any of the larger, especially the 2x10, I`m sure would be plenty.


You're going to have trouble moving down from 2 212 cabs. Can you just keep one of them?

You can go to a 410 but that's still big.

2 115 cabs are still on the large-ish side.

I'd look at 2 good quality 112 cabs, and keep the amp.

Personally, I wouldn't go for a combo.


I've gone down the road of using a little combo as monitor and going through the PA. It's very liberating, I'm the first to set up, one trip to the car and no trouble hearing myself. The band sounds better because the whole on-stage volume has fallen and the sound is fully mixed. I use a Hartke Kickback with the bass rolled off a little and then fill out the sound with the tone settings on the PA. Kick back is important as you'll need to have your mon itor pointing at your ears, you could use a stand though.

If you really want to keep your insides moving and your trousers flapping you could always go for something like the barefaced Compact to replace your speakers.

The ultimate small combo is the AER amp one, Supernaturally loud due to clever electronics. Doubt if you'll find one much under £900 though and people don't often sell them so used is unusual to find.


I don't want to hijack the OP's thread but I too decided last night I would like to swap my current rig (Hartke LH500 & 2x GK Neo112 Cabs) for a lightwieght combo. This probably had something to do with loading in an out up a fire escape.

My current rig is pretty light already but I would love something that required less trips to the car and setup time. Plus I often car share with the guitarist for our long gig trips so less boot space would be a winner also.

Ideally I'd like something putting out 500watts that wouldn't require an extension cab for full power and won't kill my back humping it about.

So far I have found two contenders that I am going to explore more.

The Gallien Krueger MB212 combo (500watts digital poweramp).

The Orange TB500C 2x12 combo (500 watts valve pre digital poweramp).

If anybody has any experiences with either combo or could suggest another option that would be awesome.


Haven't use the GK you mention before. I had a GK 2x10 combo before and it weight tons. Impossible for me to lure.

The orange 500watt 2x12 seems nice because is small and light weight haven't try it before.

Looking at mark bass small combo atm. 1x12 combo seems nice.


Go & have a play about. The Markbass combos ticked all my boxes & I have been happy with the 2x10 combo for a good few years now.
It's a 1 hand lift & the same size as any good 2x10 cab. If that's too big, maybe a rig like Lozz has (the 12" combo & a 12" cab).

Valhalalf, ignore the need for watts. It has little baring on how loud your rig will be.


I went from a hartke 500 amp, 1x15 and 4x10 ashdown cabs to a markbass cmd210 6 years ago and have never looked back.
I occasionally think about adding another 210 cab but dont really need it.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1364774607' post='2030834']
You're going to have trouble moving down from 2 212 cabs. Can you just keep one of them?

You can go to a 410 but that's still big.

2 115 cabs are still on the large-ish side.

I'd look at 2 good quality 112 cabs, and keep the amp.

Personally, I wouldn't go for a combo.

So very much this^^

[quote name='Valhalalf' timestamp='1364819883' post='2031214']
I don't want to hijack the OP's thread

Pssst! Make your own thread, and you won't. :)



[quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1364770519' post='2030802']
It come to a conclusion after a long battle with my Mrs that i can not keep my stack no more due to size and space .......

My currect stack consist TCBH500 and two TC BC2x12 cabinet.

They aren't exactly heavy but still pretty big in the house.

Was wondering whats a decent light weight combo that can do medium gig and DI out for PA support (so the amp can be use for stage monitor).

Was looking at the Markbass CMD JB because is cheap £400-500 with 250watt and 1x15. Not sure is it good or not. Any other option would be welcome.

If you like the TC sound, how about trying their BG250 combo?


I don't have particular sound i prefer because i've play many different brand before from classic ampeg, fender, ashdown, TC, Markbass etc and i find it my tone is similar no matter what amp or cab i use. So i'm really after reliable, weight and size to fit my purpose.

only really do small - medium gig. Sometimes with or without PA support.


Well in that case the Markbass Mini CMD121P like I use would be ideal. I use it on its own in an 8-piece punky type band, and it holds up fine in pubs. On bigger stages DI`d, it`s still plenty loud enough on stage. I never push it past 3 or 4 on volume.


I was looking at the markbass mini CMD 121 like the one you have and I quite like it actually. Price wise it will cost abit even i sold my TC stack. I use to have a little mark 250 so thats why i was considering the Markbass CMD JB combo.

For £400 it might do the trick since.


I've went into a local music shop today (PMT) and expected they don't have much decent amps in stock apart from standard stuff like ashdown and ampeg and few orange stuff (nothing small or light). So I search every corner they have in the bass department and i found a second hand Phil Jones Bass Suitcase that sell for around £450-500. I'm tempted becasue the shop offer my TC stack for around £350-400. Was wondering is the PB suitcase any good? and is it loud?


actually after looking at the rig, only the BH500 and BC212 doesn't look too big. Only look huge when stack both cab together. It kinda make me think i shall just sell 1 cab and use half stack instead. Since it still pump out decent wattage when running 1 cab. I would assume the amp pump out 300watt but the cab is only 250watt.


[quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1365026123' post='2034437']
actually after looking at the rig, only the BH500 and BC212 doesn't look too big. Only look huge when stack both cab together. It kinda make me think i shall just sell 1 cab and use half stack instead. Since it still pump out decent wattage when running 1 cab. I would assume the amp pump out 300watt but the cab is only 250watt.

Try it.
Does the BH500 really put out 500w at 4Ω or is it 236w like the RH amps? & if it does, are you gonna be running it at full pelt?
I'd just use your ears & if you get that loud (or need that many lows) on one cab that it's starting to sound bad, add the other cab again.


The BH500 gives 500watt at 4ohm so running 1x 8ohm cab i would assume the wattage would be around 250-300watt. I never really need to crack too loud on my gig because i dial in more mid to cut into the mix rather then pumping out tons of low to mud everything up. I play new wave rock so lots of tons is kinda mid heavy rather then low end tone.


Then I'd be surprised if you'll ever get close to getting the amp to put out 250-300w. Just use your ears.
i'd keep your other cab for a bit so that if one cab isn't enough, you can either add it back in or sell the entire rig if it doesn't do the needful.

Posted (edited)

The whole was i not allow to have the stack in the house ...... otherwise i would just kept it and be happy with it. So i either use half stack or downsizing to something smaller either a combo or 1 cab and small amp. Thats why Phil Jones Bass Suitcase, Markbass CMD JB or Little Mark 250 with a small cab like ashdown VS112 etc.

I'm interest in the idea of 2x ashdown VS112 and Little Mark 250 back line.

Edited by badboy1984

[quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1365080427' post='2034966']
I'm interest in the idea of 2x ashdown VS112 and Little Mark 250 back line.

I have stuff like that on three of the shelves in the bookcase (is this English at all?) in the living room. They don't attract too much attention, and do not look big at all. It helps with the red cloth on the cabs, and guest tend to say "cool" rather than "wtf".
Then again, wives are not guests, as some may have experienced. <_<

BTW, I have one cab above and one below the amp head. Dunno if that is better or worse, but possibly an idea?



After looking at bunch of small and light weight cabs, it seems my TC BC212 is truely a beast ....... weight under 20kg for 2x12 and the size is pretty much same as those ashdown Mi12. I've got that feeling i should just keep one of the TC BC212 and either swap the head for something else like mark bass LIII or just keep the TC BH500.


Played a few small amps and cabs in the shop and the tone is ok but it seems kinda lack power in my opinion. They only have standard amps like ampeg, ashdown, peavey etc but they either too big, too heavy or lack power. So i went back home and took one of the cab out and try the BH500 with 1x BC212 and they sound is still pretty good and even half power and 1 cab it still very loud. I think i will just keep the half stack and sell 1 cab instead :)

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