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Aguilar DB112 x2 (one with tweeter) Classic black + silver SOLD

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Pair of Aguilar DB112 cabs (one with tweeter, one without). The pic isn't some trick, I started stacking them on their edge to fit into tight corners of pubs and actually found that I quite like them stacked that way (sound as well as look). The cabs are in excellent nick and come complete with Aggie padded covers, there aren't any snags in the cloth or even any scuffs or scratches on the metal corner protectors. Loads of info on the net and always good reviews.

I replaced a driver over a year ago and then discovered (after fitting) that I actually had a rogue (intermittent) speaker cable that was at fault; as a result I have a spare driver to go with them (binned the dodgy lead). They have been replaced with a Berg AE212... and the Berg doesn't better the Aggies it is just more convenient and a different flavour!

The price of £750 inc the Aguilar padded covers +cables +spare driver... and I'll throw in the 'custom' spacers ( :D ) if you want to stack them on their sides as I have done.

I already know that I have interested parties in the single cab with the tweeter BUT I'd rather sell as a pair (buyer could always sell the one they don't want and keep the leads and spare driver). I will sell to separate buyers so long as I have confirmed sales of BOTH; I'd imagine prices would need to be £400 - £350 for the tweeter/non-tweeter cabs but I suppose that is negotiable with interested parties.

Edited by warwickhunt

this rig sounds great,saw the band at pub in bishop auckland....
i've gone to seperate 12s for convenience.


[quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1364824511' post='2031270']
this rig sounds great,saw the band at pub in bishop auckland....
i've gone to seperate 12s for convenience.


The convenience of a modular rig is a valid point and if it weren't for the fact that I don't do the kind of gigs where I'd just take one cab, then I'd not be selling. I have literally had the two rigs (Berg 2x12 v Aggie x2 1x12) set up in my living room for 2 weeks and I keep flipping between the two but I needed to make a decision and 'today's decision' is that I sell the Aguilars! :D


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1364825183' post='2031287']
Shouldn't you use the AE212 on gigs first?

Sorry I should have expanded on that and I've also done 5 gigs with it since I got it! :happy:

It's a difficult decision because I still personally think that the Aggies have the edge over the Berg in 'my' kind of tone (i.e. what I want to hear) but the Berg sounds 95% as good as the Aggies in a gig situation. I'm prepared to forego that 5% in a trade for a one cab solution.


[quote name='Defo' timestamp='1364866628' post='2032048']
Where are you situated mate?

Just North of Newcastle but I can easily meet anywhere in the general NE area.

I should declare that I do have interest in the cabs but it requires a courier.


[quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1364904386' post='2032347']
Db212 for a 1 cab solution not an option? Have a bump on me for some great cabs.

I have also owned the DB212 and as a single cab it was too large/heavy; I felt there was no discernible difference from a pair of 1x12s stacked so I sold the 2x12 and kept looking. The Berg AE212 is the first that has come close but not been a silly weight/size.

These are effectively sold as I'll be taking a deposit on them today. ;)


[quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1365427585' post='2039390']
If I was in the UK I'd be all over these.
Think the postage to here would kill the deal.

Have a bump anyway.

Sorry I can confirm that these are now SOLD.

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