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SOLD: 2nd Price Drop !! '62 Sunburst Fender USA Precision Reissue, absolutely perfect !!

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Interested in a trade? I have the 57' AVRI 2TSB, gold scratch plate version of your bass. Exact same bass, same condition, same specs, same included extras (case candy, case etc).


I'm actually looking for a trade/partial trade against a Sadowsky hence the reason why I'm selling my beloved 'James Jamerson' bass. I'm sure your '57 precision is a fantastic instrument too but unfortunately it would bring me no closer to obtaining a Sadowsky. Hope you understand, but many thanks for coming forward with the offer, much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


No probs mark. I totally understand your position. If you change your mind, the bass is listed here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212276-fsft-fender-avri-57-p-bass-2tsb-l1200/

Best regards.



Willing to part with[color=#FF0000][b] loads of cash [/b][/color]for the right Sadowsky (preferably a hybrid PJ) in a partial exchange. Anybody ???

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