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Future reviews on music and musical equipment.


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Hey guys, I've been given the opportunity to do reviews on music and musical equipment in the near future. These will be both video and typed. But i'd like to ask you your opinions and thoughts.

The format for the reviews will be a shortened down, condensed review, where you get the review, and no flim flam. I was thinking maybe rolling with about 80 seconds of review time. Any thoughts on that?

Also, has anybody got any products in mind that they would like reviewed?

And finally, does anybody have any suggestions or thoughts on how to improve my videos or reviewing style? How to refine it maybe?

I hope the new reviews will be recorded in new surroundings. It's pretty exciting, and i can't wait to get in to it and show you all.

Honestly, anything at all that you think might help, please do let me know.


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"has anybody got any products in mind that they would like reviewed?"
The usual argument about strings springs to mind - maybe you could run a side-by-side comparison of different strings on the same bass, amp, etc. That might prove to be useful (if tedious to make). Similarly, a comparison of pre-amps and pickups in the same bass, etc, would be useful if more difficult and expensive to produce.

Edited by darkandrew
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[quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1364941308' post='2033212']
"has anybody got any products in mind that they would like reviewed?"
The usual argument about strings springs to mind - maybe you could run a side-by-side comparison of different strings on the same bass, amp, etc. That might prove to be useful (if tedious to make). Similarly, a comparison of pre-amps and pickups in the same bass, etc, would be useful if more difficult and expensive to produce.

Great idea, but maybe a bit too much to cram in to 80 seconds? I'll see what i can do with that though!

[quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1364941937' post='2033220']
I always find it interesting to compare high end instruments with cheaper ones using the same amps and settings. For example -- A MIM Jazz bass vs an AS jazz bass vs a Squier classic vibe vs a Sadowsky.

Yes, quite, only problem is getting my hands on high end instruments! :D

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He's really targeting a different demographic i think. His reviews are really good in the sense that it gives good technical information, but i don't think there's really any heart in it. Like, yes, everything he said is probably true, and it seems like he was reading from a script, neither are bad things, but it didn't have much personality, apart from when he played something. It gave me a good sense of the head and cab, but i found i was listening to review it myself (or is that just me?). Anyway, all that stuff is just personal preference, what he really didn't do was quick, snappy information, which is what the format of my new videos will be, all within a time limit, with a bit of Milty flair. I don't think there will be many high end guitars, basses or amps to review anytime soon anyway.

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[quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1364941308' post='2033212']
"has anybody got any products in mind that they would like reviewed?"
The usual argument about strings springs to mind - maybe you could run a side-by-side comparison of different strings on the same bass, amp, etc. That might prove to be useful (if tedious to make). Similarly, a comparison of pre-amps and pickups in the same bass, etc, would be useful if more difficult and expensive to produce.

Good ideas, but are such things really practical when the end result is usually viewed and - more importantly - heard on a PC with indifferent speakers, or even an audibly hopeless laptop or smartphone?

I guess that big differences would be noticeable but surely the nuances would be completely lost?

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[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1365071455' post='2034780']
Good ideas, but are such things really practical when the end result is usually viewed and - more importantly - heard on a PC with indifferent speakers, or even an audibly hopeless laptop or smartphone?

I guess that big differences would be noticeable but surely the nuances would be completely lost?

In 80 seconds, i don't think there will even be much time for nuance :D

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[quote name='charic' timestamp='1365072854' post='2034804']
Timer starts
"I'm milty today reviewing xxxxxxx by yyyyy"
Plugs bass in
"Yep the bass amp goes "boom" it sounds good/bad"
Unplugs bass
"I like it/don't like it"
"Thanks for watching"

Timer Ends :lol:

Lol, now you're on the same page as me! :D

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[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1365073262' post='2034817']
80 seconds.. you could review napalm deaths back catalogue in that time.
Checkout sonic state, bass whisperer, harmony central etc. plus old bass mags if you have them.
Time needs to be taken

I know, my reviews in the past have run a fair few minutes, but this is a different format for a different demographic. You know the average viewing time of most of my videos is roughly 90 seconds? None of my videos are 90 seconds, and it's not necessarily the content, it's because most people on YouTube have no attention span. They want what they want, and then they want to go. I've been asked specifically to create shorter reviews, it's been a big criticism in the past that my reviews should be shorter. People clearly want shorter reviews, and it's a bit shocking that nobody has done it yet, confining it to a time frame is a bit of a gimmick, but a good one.

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My Half Round D'Addario review is also, by far, my highest ranking video out of all my videos, with more than 600 views to date, and it never falls from the top of the list, month to month, of the video with the most views. It's over 5 minutes long, but again, i'm targeting a different demographic.

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If you're keeping it to such a short timespan the one thing you might want to do before you start is decide what you want to cover for each catagory.

Bass - Weight, Tone, Versatility, Build Quality
Amp - Weight, Tone, Volume, Versatility, Build Quality, Features
Pedal - Size, Features etc...

By doing this and putting a timespan against each people should be able to skip to the bit they want to see. For example, I know that you always cover a basses tone at 30 seconds. So I load up a review of a P bass and a review of a p bass. I skip both to 30 seconds and A/B them.

Also try to use as many common denominators as possible :
for example if it's a bass, same amp / settings / strings / brand of strings (if possible)

Given the shortness of the reviews taking these steps would add a lot of value to your reviews without increasing the time.

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[quote name='charic' timestamp='1365074499' post='2034836']
If you're keeping it to such a short timespan the one thing you might want to do before you start is decide what you want to cover for each catagory.

Bass - Weight, Tone, Versatility, Build Quality
Amp - Weight, Tone, Volume, Versatility, Build Quality, Features
Pedal - Size, Features etc...

By doing this and putting a timespan against each people should be able to skip to the bit they want to see. For example, I know that you always cover a basses tone at 30 seconds. So I load up a review of a P bass and a review of a p bass. I skip both to 30 seconds and A/B them.

Also try to use as many common denominators as possible :
for example if it's a bass, same amp / settings / strings / brand of strings (if possible)

Given the shortness of the reviews taking these steps would add a lot of value to your reviews without increasing the time.

Of course, that's the route i'm going down. The key to making it short is making everything slick and flowing. Probably most of the time, it will be same basses/guitars and amp settings, so no issues there, but honestly, don't expect it to be any more than accessories and strings for the time being.

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[quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1365075475' post='2034857']
can we have a link to some of your current reviews? one's you think are good but maybe a bit long?

Click the link through to my YouTube channel in my signature here. I've got them all in a playlist called something like "Reviews". :D

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my pet hate of reviews are people slapping and noodling on basses pretending to review them. Even if i see on the little picture of the video before you hit play some guy with his thumb out about to slap, i wont click it.

My advice is to maybe try playing the bass a little on its own and then the bass within a song so people can hear how that bass / amp / effect would fit within a song or band setting rather than just pissing around playing scales n stuff.

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[quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1365077221' post='2034891']
my pet hate of reviews are people slapping and noodling on basses pretending to review them. Even if i see on the little picture of the video before you hit play some guy with his thumb out about to slap, i wont click it.

My advice is to maybe try playing the bass a little on its own and then the bass within a song so people can hear how that bass / amp / effect would fit within a song or band setting rather than just pissing around playing scales n stuff.


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