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High pitched squeal from amp.


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Someone may be able to answer this straight away without the need for any sound clips. My mate is a bassist, and owns a J-bass copy going into a Crate combo. He's got an OD pedal and a flanger thing. He was asking me about a strange noise he gets from his amp from time to time at gigs. Its not there all the time, and it only seems to really happen when the OD is on, but it does happen when its not on occasionally. The noise is just like a high pitched squeal. Its not REALLY loud, but loud enough for people to notice. Its not feedback, but its definately up in the same sort of frequencies. It stops when there is notes getting played. It only appears when strings are muted.

The reason why I have an interest in this, as I remember years ago, I had a set up that did the same noise, I was sure I worked it out to be the actual bass, rather than the amp... but for the life of me I cant remember.

Any thoughts? I can try and get him to send over some audio clips if that helps. But because its intermittent, it might be quite tricky.

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