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April/May Mix Competition - VOTING COMPLETE!

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[quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1367422903' post='2065473']
i think that is part of the mix challenge.
if you feel it would sound better go for it :)

Ah, good stuff! I'm just about to upload a mix, and unmixed version, but I doubt i'm finished now, given this new info :D


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367423136' post='2065483']Ah, good stuff! I'm just about to upload a mix, and unmixed version, but I doubt i'm finished now, given this new info :D[/quote]

Nice one Milty, quick work! [color=#B22222][b]JUST DON'T SHARE YOUR MIX IN THIS THREAD OR YOU'LL BE BANNED FROM THE COMPETITION!![/b][/color] [i][< said in a kind of, "Noooo, not the green wire!" type slow-motion urgency][/i]

Seriously though, don't. It's one of the rules of the competition laid down by Grand Vizier 51m0n to ensure a blind voting process at the end of it (and it's worth it). Finished mixes should be uploaded somewhere 'secret' and a link PM'd to Si once you're happy with your final mix. You can of course ask for hints and tips and discuss your mix however you like - just words though, no sounds.

"Be pure! Be vigilant! Behave!" ;)


[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1367423932' post='2065503']
Nice one Milty, quick work! [color=#B22222][b]JUST DON'T SHARE YOUR MIX IN THIS THREAD OR YOU'LL BE BANNED FROM THE COMPETITION!![/b][/color] [i][< said in a kind of, "Noooo, not the green wire!" type slow-motion urgency][/i]

Seriously though, don't. It's one of the rules of the competition laid down by Grand Vizier 51m0n to ensure a blind voting process at the end of it (and it's worth it). Finished mixes should be uploaded somewhere 'secret' and a link PM'd to Si once you're happy with your final mix. You can of course ask for hints and tips and discuss your mix however you like - just words though, no sounds.

"Be pure! Be vigilant! Behave!" ;)

Ha, don't worry, I did read the first post :D

[quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1367423399' post='2065491']
thing is, it won't sound perfect first off.
don't let it get you down, but take in the advice from others on here, and listen to what others have done, and it really will aid your development

Of course. I think the mix I have sounds ok, but there's too much going on, so I'm going to do a bit of a cull.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367425027' post='2065519']
Of course. I think the mix I have sounds ok, but there's too much going on, so I'm going to do a bit of a cull.

yeah man do it, its about making the mix sound the best it can, and if they means removing parts for the good of the track then do it :)


[quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1367425546' post='2065529']
yeah man do it, its about making the mix sound the best it can, and if they means removing parts for the good of the track then do it :)

I think I just like empty space in tracks. I'm a bit of a minimalist, and country... isn't.


Si I've submitted mine via email, let me know if you've not received it

I think I compromised a bit. Basically I tried a few different sounds but then got utterly sick of the song. Why is it that a lot of country singers sound almost auto-tuned? Are they way more accurate with pitch than singers of other genres?


I've taken loads of tracks out. Too much going on, and too much for my mind to cope with :D Hopefully it gives the entire track more openness, which Is what I like. It made it easier to mix everything too I think. All the stringed instruments aren't fighting for audibility, so I think it has made the track better in general. But we'll see on 15th march how it compares :D


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367524621' post='2066516']...we'll see on [b]15th march[/b] how it compares :D

I would call this a 'senior moment'. What's your explanation, please..? Should we be worried..? :mellow:


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1367530238' post='2066663']
I would call this a 'senior moment'. What's your explanation, please..? Should we be worried..? :mellow:

I should be worried, i've been calling every month March for the last month! I even put it in one of my YouTube videos last month! GAH!


I can't get that download to work in Logic. When you say it shouldn't go above 0db, i've used a plugin that was in Logic. It can't limit what volume it goes to, but it does show that the track doesn't go above 0db when set to RMS. It does peak above it when set to peak though. Is that good enough for you?


The track needs to measured with a K-meter at K14, and not go over 0. Yes it will result in a damned quiet track, this isnt what K-meters are really about - and there really isnt space here to go int that! - the reason for using a K-meter at all is that they have strict rules govering the algorithm controlling frequency sensitivity and blalistics (or they should have) so we are all playing the same game of dropping the main out level to the same level as perceived by the same meter.

It shouldnt peak over 0, it shouldnt light up anything over 0 at all, at any point in the song.There is no limiting involved in any of this at all, its all measuring....

If you cant figure out how to get Span to do that submit what you've got and I'll sort it in Reaper...


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1367597200' post='2067440']
The track needs to measured with a K-meter at K14, and not go over 0. Yes it will result in a damned quiet track, this isnt what K-meters are really about - and there really isnt space here to go int that! - the reason for using a K-meter at all is that they have strict rules govering the algorithm controlling frequency sensitivity and blalistics (or they should have) so we are all playing the same game of dropping the main out level to the same level as perceived by the same meter.

It shouldnt peak over 0, it shouldnt light up anything over 0 at all, at any point in the song.There is no limiting involved in any of this at all, its all measuring....

If you cant figure out how to get Span to do that submit what you've got and I'll sort it in Reaper...

Ok, do I just submit it as an MP3 file from the likes of sound cloud?

Posted (edited)

Make it private on soundcloud. Make sure its downloadable.

Send me the link via a PM

Better send a wav rather than an mp3....

Edited by 51m0n

[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1367603516' post='2067539']
Make it private on soundcloud. Make sure its downloadable.

Send me the link via a PM

Better send a wav rather than an mp3....

Ah, ok. I've just uploaded to sound cloud from my iTunes library. I'll figure out how to upload in wav format.


For anyone interested, here's a link to a bunch of free VSTs, advice, interviews, etc, all on the subject of mixing - made available by Mike Senior, the author of 'Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio'.

Worth a look:



[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1367931339' post='2071129']
For anyone interested, here's a link to a bunch of free VSTs, advice, interviews, etc, all on the subject of mixing - made available by Mike Senior, the author of 'Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio'.

Worth a look:


Cheers! Gonna take a look in a while :)

Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

One of your members tipped me off that you were running this mix competition, and I'm glad you're getting good use out of the multitrack library -- it's what it was designed for! I hope everyone learns a lot from all the voting, comparing, and discussing. Nothing beats it! :)

For anyone who still hasn't submitted their mix, here are a couple of links you might find useful:
- [url="http://discussion.cambridge-mt.com/showthread.php?tid=79"]some mix tips from me relating to this specific multitrack[/url].
- [url="http://discussion.cambridge-mt.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=28"]17 alternative mixes of 'Who I Am' with mixing feedback[/url].

Also, because I think it's great what you're all doing, and because I generally like to support people learning to mix, I'm happy to post my own detailed critiques of the winning and runner-up mixes once voting has closed (along the lines of the feedback I provided for [url="http://www.cambridge-mt.com/YoungGriffoCompetition.htm"]The Great 'Blood To Bone' Mixoff[/url]) as a further incentive.

Mike Senior

Edited by triviul

Wow Mike , I am just reading your book , for the third time :blush: , I must admit it went over my head the first time , started to make a few things click the second time , but this time I am starting to see a load of wood through the trees .
A real insight well done.
Our BC Mentor, Si , is great at advice and is really helpful aswell , even to the point of hosting the competition , top man .


[quote name='triviul' timestamp='1368127638' post='2073651']Hello everyone[/quote]

Mike... wow. HUGE thanks for stopping by and offering up such a great prize.

Very kind and great to have you on Basschat. We're truly honored!

It's going to be a good month... ;)



Awww shucks, game changer, back to the drawing board etc etc ;)

Thanks for stopping by Mike, loving this one - which is why I chose it - the vocals are just sublime.

Now where's that bottle of JD gone?


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1368141618' post='2073857']
Awww shucks, game changer, back to the drawing board etc etc ;)

Thanks for stopping by Mike, loving this one - which is why I chose it - the vocals are just sublime.

Now where's that bottle of JD gone?

It's OK, Simon, you really have to worry when your wife disappears, the bank takes your house, and your crop fails.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1368151660' post='2073883']
It's OK, Simon, you really have to worry when your wife disappears, the bank takes your house, and your crop fails.

At this rate thats only a matter of time!

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