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Crappy bass tone


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[quote name='Mog' timestamp='1365759663' post='2043945']
I really hate the mid-boost/inverted smiley tone. Its a nightmare to work with from a desk and sounds more like a baritone telecaster than a bass. I'm generally fine with most bass tones as long as theres some sort of low end definition.

Pre Eq is your friend :D

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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365705212' post='2043324']
I wouldn't say there was a big difference when all in the mix, especially since so much EQing goes on live so that everything sounds good together[/quote]

Precisely, which explains my previous comment about not really hearing much difference in 20 years of playing. That's real world playing, not playing the bass in isolation and trying to convince myself that every tiny subtle difference is significant. There are bound to be [i]some[/i] differences between strings clearly. But when I know I can get a far more 'different' sound from the [i]same[/i] set of strings by, for instance, playing with fingers or a pick or relatively minor alterations in amp EQ than using the same playing method and amp EQ and just changing string manufacturer then logic suggests that the contribution that the strings are making is well down my list of priorities. If I liked someone's sound the first question in my head wouldn't be 'I wonder which string manufacturer he's using?' but maybe I'm missing out...

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[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1365759484' post='2043941']
youtube arguments: engage only for amusement purposes :lol:

I had one guy, a couple of years ago or so, who took serious offense at something I said about a moronic post of his ;) and he kept adding comments to my comment and then sending me messages. This was both in English and Spanish, both of very poor quality... I had a little bit of fun winding him up, but he was too easy a target and I got bored soon. He continued to send me messages for a while after I gave up...

Ha! It's genuinely funny that this guy was such a Lemmy fan, that he thought you had to have Lemmy gear, but didn't understand any of the reasoning behind it. Why would you use distortion because it cuts all the low end? why not just EQ it out? and then why also use 18 inch speakers, which will just make it more bassy? I would choose any GK cab over any 18" cab any day of the week.

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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365764651' post='2044068']
Ha! It's genuinely funny that this guy was such a Lemmy fan, that he thought you had to have Lemmy gear, but didn't understand any of the reasoning behind it. Why would you use distortion because it cuts all the low end? why not just EQ it out? and then why also use 18 inch speakers, which will just make it more bassy? I would choose any GK cab over any 18" cab any day of the week.

I'm not saying he is right in anything. But I would personally like to try 18" cabs, if I had someone carrying my stuff. I was surprised at how good a 2x15" cab sounded, and how powerful, with just a 150W amp. I imagine 18" speakers will not be very efficient, even less than your typical 15" ones, but I'm curious.

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[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1365772154' post='2044266']
I'm not saying he is right in anything. But I would personally like to try 18" cabs, if I had someone carrying my stuff. I was surprised at how good a 2x15" cab sounded, and how powerful, with just a 150W amp. I imagine 18" speakers will not be very efficient, even less than your typical 15" ones, but I'm curious.

I ran my Ashdown 400 watt head through a couple of 4ohm 15" cabs a couple of times, and it had loads of volume and movement of air, and house-shakingly bassy, but there was absolutely no clarity to the higher notes. The speakers weren't the best you could buy, and the cab was home made out of MDF, so all in all, probably not great for what i was using it for, but if you had a decent neo 15" and a good cabinet, and pair that with a 4x10, it would probably sound rocking! I have no idea how an 18" would sound, but it was the idiocy of the guys argument. He liked distortion because it cuts the low end, but he also wanted to use 18" speakers... How stupid can one person be?

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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365772800' post='2044286']
I ran my Ashdown 400 watt head through a couple of 4ohm 15" cabs a couple of times, and it had loads of volume and movement of air, and house-shakingly bassy, but there was absolutely no clarity to the higher notes. The speakers weren't the best you could buy, and the cab was home made out of MDF, so all in all, probably not great for what i was using it for, but if you had a decent neo 15" and a good cabinet, and pair that with a 4x10, it would probably sound rocking! I have no idea how an 18" would sound, but it was the idiocy of the guys argument. He liked distortion because it cuts the low end, but he also wanted to use 18" speakers... How stupid can one person be?

I moved past that idiot, I don't care about him :) I just want a cab with two 15" or two 18". The two 15" cab I tried, an old Peavey of some description, did not lack treble, at least not to the levels I normally want.

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It's surprising how wide range a good quality 15" can be. I usually run my 1X15 trace combo with an SWR 2X10 but from running each separately from the combo's amp (the combo's speaker is unpluggable) it is clear that it isn't the 10's that are providing substantial top end, more of a mid range 'thump'. The 15 seems quite capable of transmitting quite high frequencies, unless there is a hidden tweeter in there somewhere that I don't know about.

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you are discussing the wrong point. It's not whether 15" or 18" can produce enough treble... the question is... who is going to carry my cabs??? :P

The 2x 15" I tried might as well have been part of Stonehenge! :lol:

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[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1365787381' post='2044630']
you are discussing the wrong point. It's not whether 15" or 18" can produce enough treble... the question is... who is going to carry my cabs??? :P

The 2x 15" I tried might as well have been part of Stonehenge! :lol:

Get rich and famous, then get some poor sod to lug them about for you. Or do that now.

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[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1365793616' post='2044727']
I like the bass tone in the OP. Don't think it suits the music though in this case.
I'm more shocked by the singer - isn't that the old drummer from Entombed?!

Yeah you're right he did play drums, write guitar parts and "sing" on the second Entombed album.

They recorded a documentary of their American tour from 2002 that's quite interesting


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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365677752' post='2042663']
What really gets me though, is guitarists. [b][color=#ff0000]They attribute all their tone to the amp[/color][/b], or the pickup, which does make a difference to their tone, but the biggest change they could make is strings. First set of guitar strings I got from my local was a set of prosteels, and the guy was really shocked that i had bought them, and says even now, over 6 months down the line, nobody has bought any more prosteels for guitar. He said guitarists just buy the standard strings, and don't even think about the difference a different set of strings would make to their tone. That's the moment he knew I was a bassist, when I bought prosteels for a guitar :D
Interesting comment, this.
I was at a party/gig last week when numerous guitarists got up and played through an old Vox AC15 amp.
I heard a Les Paul, three Strats (US and Japanese), a Squier Tele, a ladida PRS and a Steinberger headless played through the Vox - yes there were differences but the tones I heard were very similar - strange that. :huh:

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[quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1365939822' post='2046173']
Interesting comment, this.
I was at a party/gig last week when numerous guitarists got up and played through an old Vox AC15 amp.
I heard a Les Paul, three Strats (US and Japanese), a Squier Tele, a ladida PRS and a Steinberger headless played through the Vox - yes there were differences but the tones I heard were very similar - strange that. :huh:

Yes, and they likely all had the same or similar strings on... Ernie Balls or D'Addario nickel plated or something similarly standard.

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[quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1365939822' post='2046173']
Interesting comment, this.
I was at a party/gig last week when numerous guitarists got up and played through an old Vox AC15 amp.
I heard a Les Paul, three Strats (US and Japanese), a Squier Tele, a ladida PRS and a Steinberger headless played through the Vox - yes there were differences but the tones I heard were very similar - strange that. :huh:

Vox have a seriously distinctive tone to their amps, that'll happen, and most guitarists use fairly standard roundwound strings (if we're still claiming strings make a difference. Old AC15s are very lovely, and make "that" noise. It is good.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365695036' post='2043096']
Thanks 2pods :) It's a Warwick Corvette $$ into a POD X3 LIVE into a Tascam 2488 MkII and flown in as a WAV. 51m0n mixed and mastered it and did his magic with the bass track.

s'ok innit :D

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[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1365940901' post='2046186']
Vox have a seriously distinctive tone to their amps, that'll happen, and most guitarists use fairly standard roundwound strings (if we're still claiming strings make a difference. Old AC15s are very lovely, and make "that" noise. It is good.

Yes, that's the point. Strings do a make a difference. So does the amp, but strings will make a big difference too, lots of guitarists just don't think like that though.

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[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365941965' post='2046215']
lots of guitarists just don't think like that though.

thats because they spend 99% of their mental effort focussing on how they can crank their volume so they can get [i][b]their[/b][/i] tone <_<

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[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1365946614' post='2046281']
thats because they spend 99% of their mental effort focussing on how they can crank their volume so they can get [i][b]their[/b][/i] tone <_<

f*** "Their" tone, I'll crank my bass knob and deafen them with the low end!

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[quote name='Wil' timestamp='1365676790' post='2042640']
Vic Wooten, Marcus Miller, Mark King... sparkly sterile scooped slap sounds suck. IMO. Their fingerstyle tones are a bit better, but generally too polite sounding for my taste.

Yep. Miller in particular. Highly compressed too.

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Watched D'Addario's own half-round review earlier, and the guy had an amazing amount of treble on. Why? He had half rounds on... Surely that negates the purpose of the half rounds, if he's just going to dial out all the bass and boost the treble. It sounded horrible. too tinny and trebly.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365678038' post='2042674']

I have also read from an expert on Gibsons that many players go for higher gauges on their Gibbos to get better tone, but if you have a great guitar in the first place it will sound great with even 8-40s, only poor guitars need heavier gauges.

I read an interview with Billy Gibbons where he said he uses really light gauge strings (eg a 7 gauge on the E) and to my ears he has a great sound.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365679791' post='2042716']
it's interesting to see trends emerge, such as massive Geddy fans disliking his bass sounds. It's interesting.

Interesting indeed! I really like Geddy's tone again now. In fact, I have done so since he switched back to using his Jazz on or around the Counterparts album...

I just wish he would incorporate his tone into some decent songs these days.... :(

Funnily enough, after years of using DRs, D'Addarios and Elites; I went back to a set of Roto 66s. (I got them as a present for Christmas.) Out of the pack they sounded OK, but very quickly lost their zing. I mean within a few hours! :angry:

I took them off and was toying with giving them away on here.... but I stuck them in meths overnight and put them back on.

Wow! The difference was amazing! Not only did they sound zingier than they did when brand new, but that zing has lasted for several weeks. I am now very pleased with the tone I am getting from them :D

Edited by Conan
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