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Sex. Is playing live as good, not as good, or better for you?


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Most of us like a bit of the ol' how's yer farver, but is spanking your plank on a stage in front of people actually a more pleasurable experience for you? Your bass, that is. I don't mean knocking one out in front of a bunch of strangers, unless you live in Epping or summat.

I would rather be celibate than not be able to play live in a band. What about you?

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It depends what level you're comparing. There's playing to one man and his dog at a tiny pub, and there's a sold out Wembley stadium. There's terrified teenage fumblings on a pile of old sofa cushions in the garage at a friends house party (for a totally non-personal and in no way true example). And then there's... well let's just say it involves a jar of honey, some industrial grade sandpaper and a liability waiver.

I'd say sold out Wembley is better than awkward teenage fumbling, and honey and sandpaper is better than one man and his dog in a crappy pub, but is sold out Wembley better than honey and sandpaper? I'm afraid I don't have sufficient experience, book me a show at Wembley and I'll tell you. I have my own honey.

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Hard to answer this one.....

Currently, performing live for me is a real buzz (vibrator pun half intended as I'm currently not getting that WOW moment from performing with my band mates)

However, I'm sure that when you are performing with other musicians where it all "comes together" then that would be rather fantastic.

So based on that, I will have to for me say at the time being that they are incomparable.

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