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So I've done what we've all done - we join basschat and within a year we're buying and selling more basses than the average music shop.... I've tried a lot of cool things, traded with some great folk, snagged a few bargins and it's been good fun.
Recently I got married and part of the lead up to that is that I realised that some of my buying and selling I wouldn't be able to do if I had to seriously justify it to myself- let alone the other half. I also moved to leeds 6 months ago and the relocation means you have to go find a whole set of new folk to make music with.

Well last night I was asked to a band practice- I only played one song at the end, but I took my bass (the streamer) and it was my bass, and it sits in my hands and does what I want it too and sounds good and has some great Alpher strings on it and... making music with folk again and playing my bass :) bliss.

And it feel so good to have "my bass" - not the mythical one cos I'm sure throw enough money at something and there are better basses out there, but one that I could find no justifiable reason to move on. (sorry warwickhunt)
-and in the occasions when the warwick won't fit, or I want something a little simpler than the ACG - I have my P bass - also a bass I feel at home on :)

[i]It's great![/i]

Posted (edited)

Every time I play my 2011 Precision I feel the same. I keep seeing basses I want, but I just know that the 2011 is the exact right bass for me. Plus, in comparison to my other basses, it`s the one I really enjoy playing. As a result I`m going to thin my collection down a bit, though no rush. Still want one of those Cabronita Precisions though.........

Edited by Lozz196

[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1366740121' post='2056710']
Is that the cure for GAS then!?

Think happy bass thoughts!
[/quote] yeah I think so. :) the jazz I've got prob won't stay around forever.... but I'm happy.

Posted (edited)

I know exactly what you mean, it's great when you just find that bass that feels perfect in your hands! I've always found that whenever I've had several basses, there's always one which feels and sounds best, and thus gets used most. This ultimately ends up with me moving the others on.

When I got my black KT5, I really felt like that was as good as it could possibly get for me, so I sold my others and ordered a custom spec KT5. So now I just have the two of them, which makes me happy :D
Well, I do have a Yamaha BB605 too which I can leave out in the living room without worrying about the kids getting their grubby mitts on it!

Edited by TRBboy

Yup, agree with this. Prompted by a random bass purchase (and the need to recoup some money), I thought long and hard, and realised that my modified MIM P, the new Mustang, and a Kingman acoustic bass do all I want or need, musically. So the others are heading out the door!


I'm happy for you. I wish I had the same with any one of my basses.

[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1366738452' post='2056680']
So I've done what we've all done - we join basschat and within a year we're buying and selling more basses than the average music shop....

I fell into [i]exactly [/i]that.

I don't think I've been unhappy with any of the basses I've had in the last 4 years, so I'm going to try and live by the (?Indian?) mantra about arranged marriages: "You marry the one you love, we love the one we marry." and go monobassastic for a year.

Problem is, I can't decide which one! But that's another thread.


Thought I was immune to bass gas these days, but I've recently started a new job dangerously close to the West End music shops, and found myself looking at semi-acoustics the other week (I think this was partly the result of spending some time with my 6 string 335 copy and loving it, as much for its looks as for the feel and sound). My golden rule is never buy at once - wait a few weeks and see if the urge is still there. Spending some time with my trusty but unglamorous old bass reminded me of how much I like it, and how "at home" I feel with, and this has dissipated any remaining gas...for now at least.


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1366738452' post='2056680']
....I'm sure throw enough money at something and there are better basses out there....

In some cases, but too many people confuse [i]different[/i] and [i]better[/i].

Play more music and buy less gear.

That'll guarantee Happy Bass feeling.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1366791776' post='2057263']
In some cases, but too many people confuse [i]different[/i] and [i]better[/i].

Play more music and buy less gear.

That'll guarantee Happy Bass feeling.

absolutely agree mate! It look me ages to realise that you could spend £3000 on a bass and it could be no better than a £300 on - just different (and maybe prettier, nicer, fancier... etc) we get too caught up on these things.


this thread got me thinking... I moved my basses into this flat over a month ago... and the P has been stuck in a cupboard since then. Got it out, had a play - great bass - went back to the streamer after 30 min. :D


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1366738452' post='2056680']
So I've done what we've all done - we join basschat and within a year we're buying and selling more basses than the average music shop....

I've bought two basses on here, I've still got one of them, the other I decided I didn't need a fretless.

I've still got the bass I had when I first registered here.

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