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I am very close to pulling the trigger on one of these for £200, but having doubts...

I'll mainly want to be using this for big filter sweeps, with fuzz and whammy in front (for 5th harmony). Perhaps a stupid question, but does it do this well? Better than an EHX Bass Microsynth for example?

Is it really worth the money, or are there cheaper and better alternatives (IE Xerograph, etc)?

Any help or comments will be much appreciated!



I haven't used the Moog, but I can recommend another alternative - the Sonuus Wahoo. As well as having a built in expression pedal they are much more versatile and has some unique effects too, such as triggering the filter when you bend a note, or opening up the filter the higher up you play.

There tends to be one floating around the classifieds fairly often because the sheer amount of options is a bit overwhelming for many!


The Moog is the benchmark for a static/sweep-able Low Pass. It has a warm, fat and very analogue sound - something you'll either love or hate. They can add a little noise the the chain, but IMO for all the noise they add the tone is to die for!

The IE Xero is also excellent. It's smaller, cheaper, uses a typical 'boss' power supply (the Moog is reverse polarity and needs and isolated supply) and sounds lovely. It have a very different voiceing to the Moog though, with a different resonance flavour. It doesn't sound as warm as the Moog, but is much more 'hi fi', again - you'll either love or hate that fact.



I have the moog low pass filter. Started using it for big sweeps and wobbley bass lines. But now have it on most of the time, it provides a really nice analogue tone to it and really warms up your overall sound. I would highly recommend it. Well worth the money. Make sure to get an expression pedal or two though to get the most out of it.


I had doubts too. Bought it & haven't had any since.

Here's my review from 2009...


& like's been said, get at least 1 exp pedal (& maybe even a short TRS lead to make it control things with the envelope follower).

  • 3 weeks later...

Just to say thanks very much to all for the advice, I got one of these off matejj53 with the ep-2 and loving it!

Currently using the "Basic Lowpass Wah" setting from the manual for sweeps (with my Bassdrive or ARC driving it), or without the pedal with 2-pole and full envelope for a great envelope filter!

Be interested to hear how you guys use it, and any special settings you have that you love ;-)

Thanks again!


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