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Posted (edited)

I'm starting slowly to look for a new bow to replace my yita-music carbon fiber bow which, while good, is too heavy at the tip, a bit short for my liking and i generally feel i've out grown it.

So im wondering we are some good places to go to try some out?

Ill be in London for a week in June as well as Stafford and down in Kent visiting the relations while i'm over. I'll also be up near Inverness in Scotland later in the summer if there's any were good up there.

Not too sure on a budget but i reckon by the time i've saved all my penneys ill be looking to spend around 2 grand and be done with buying bows hopefully for ever.

So were's good.


Edited by fatgoogle

Sam, give Tim Toft Violins a call and ask for Helen and see what stock she can get hold of in advance http://www.timtoftviolins.com/ - They are based in Stone which but is a short trip from Stafford. Good luck with it - any hand me downs on offer ?!


Ah brilliant. Thanks very much i will get in touch with them both. Ive heard mixed opinions on the contrabass shop from players over here. Have you had any experience with them?

Two things as well im looking for a french bow(if that makes any difference) and id love to try out a david gage metropolitan bow if any one knows of a shop with one in stock or a player who might have a spare hour to let me have a go.


Would be really interested to see what a Metropolitan is like too - seems to have really positive reviews and I have been toying with upgrading ...but haven't managed to find a UK importer yet. At around £700 ...yup I'd want to try before I buy !! Let me know if you track a supplier down !


[quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1367651496' post='2067885']
Would be really interested to see what a Metropolitan is like too - seems to have really positive reviews and I have been toying with upgrading ...but haven't managed to find a UK importer yet. At around £700 ...yup I'd want to try before I buy !! Let me know if you track a supplier down !

I have tried one and it was ok. Not as good as a pernambuco stick as expected. Good value but wasn't an amazing bow, just ok really.


Good to know. Some people's reviews made it sound like the holy grail of modern bows.

My geography of England's pretty bad but would it be impossible to get from London to Tom martin out in oxford?? First cause he seems like a legend and id love to meet him and second they have the claude marchand bows which ive also heard good things about.


[quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1367655996' post='2067932']
Good to know. Some people's reviews made it sound like the holy grail of modern bows.

My geography of England's pretty bad but would it be impossible to get from London to Tom martin out in oxford?? First cause he seems like a legend and id love to meet him and second they have the claude marchand bows which ive also heard good things about.

Tom Martin is a bit north of Banbury at Williamscot. Go out of London on M40 and off at Junction 11. Then a couple of miles north up the A361. Tom is sometimes there but you're more likely to catch son George.


That could be a major problem :D. I might have to get a proper job if i go near the place so when i go back i can be ready.

All my teachers so far have all studied with Tom so its always been a name that ive heard since i started playing. And he's the bottesini master.


I was looking through a few of the prices quoted here and thought "Goodness, I'm glad I don't play bowed instruments..!". Fancy that; a bow alone costing more than my whole instrument collection, drums 'n all (and they're not cheap drums..!). Imagine if a plectrum cost that much..! One would still lose them, I suspect..! :lol:
No, it's a whole different ball-game. Inconceivable for the likes of me. Respect, folks, deep respect for your devotion to these instruments.

(...[i]but I still find those prices to be absolutely crazy..![/i] :unsure: )


Bows are the cheap bit Douglas compared to strings at £100 each, OK thats less than a Bow to start with but not if you get the common DB string swapping obsession!

I live near Timothy Toft and fancy a look in sometime once I feel more confident in my playing ability, I will probably have my Gedo setup there when I get to the stage it needs doing, probably end up buying a bass!


The general consensus seems to be to aim for a bow costing about 1/3 to 1/2 the instrument to get the best out of both.
Of course, as part of a longer-term plan, you can get a really good bow and upgrade the instrument later or vice-versa.
+1 for Pernambuco still having the edge, but I have both Pernambuco and Metropolitan in German pattern and they're of similar quality - both really nice at least for my playing/bass/strings/choice of music etc etc..
I carry the Metro more often on gigs as carbon fibre has the rep of being far harder to damage.

Posted (edited)

It does bring to light how expensive double bass can be. Luckily I'm happy with my belcanto's and don't have any plans to change them for the next few years.

So tim loft, the contrabass shop and possibly tom& George's shop. Any where else worth checking out?

I'm going the route of buying a really nice bow first. My thinking being that while my double bass is pretty good in my opinion it's going to take longer to find one that'll really love and for the moment a better bow will help me improve as there's nothing wrong with the playability of my current bass. And the fact bass's are so damn expensive.

Edited by fatgoogle

[quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1367682977' post='2068384']
... And the fact bass's are so damn expensive.

Yup, it seems that for a noticeable step up from a couple of grand you need to at least have the budget to go shopping with about 10K in your pocket!


The contrabass shop is great BUT they really don't really do inexpensive (other than the carbon fibre bows). On my only visit there I left with a serious longing for a particular bass and bow, the only problem is they cost more than my house!



Arggh, being the dunce i am i forgot to mention i'm going inter-railing this summer, Brussels Amsterdam Berlin etc etc. Anyone have any experience with shops abroad and any good ones?

[size=4]I also feeling guilty about having a whole month or so of no practice. [/size]

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