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Ok got a couple of dogs to dispose of:

[u]Peavey Milestone 3 Fretless[/u]

Bought this 6-7 years back and defretted it. Started stripping down the body, never finished it. Did some bad routing (so bad I ended up chiselling bits out) that let me fit a second pair of Peavey pups (glued to the originals) and hacked the scratch plate back. My intentions were to fill the body and do a proper route then get a new custom scratchplate etc. but I never got round to it. It's playable but scruffy/battered/abused and fitted with Roto flats (jack needs tightening though).

[u]Cheetah Acoustic Bass[/u]

A dog amongst dogs, bought with the intention of defretting but never found time. Piezo pup and pre amp are about the only good thing about this. Intonation is way out, there are all sorts of rattles when its played and the neck appears to have been repaired at some point. Defretting would possibly be the only way to improve this nasty piece of wood. Appears to be strung with Chinese fencing wire. Its probably best suited to hanging on a wall rather than playing and comes in a canvas bag to hide its shame.

So there we have it ladies and gentlemen, a prized pair of pooches. Lets get down to nitty gritty. IF (and that is a HUGE if) anyone wants one of these then the price is........ nowt. Well nearly nowt, all I ask is you make a small donation to BC funds at some point, whatever you feel they are worth to you. No that doesn't mean asking BC to give YOU money because their worth is negative !
Collect from Bolton or I will actually deliver for free within a 10 mile radius (I must be mad !)

321....... GO

Edited by grumble
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