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£200 microphone choice

Phil Starr

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Our band is called Wet Playtime!

She still doesn't know she is getting a new mic' it's a birthday present. Our PA is Yamaha club series stuff so this is serious overkill really. Certainly won't be able to tell the difference between this and a beta87 which is what I suggested in the end. Still me buying a Gibson rather than an Epi was fairly serious overkill given my very limited talent.

Anyway thanks again for all the advice, there's some serious know how on Basschat, surely you can't all be as geeky as me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just thought I'd update you on this. The mic has arrived and we gave it a good going over at rehearsal. It does sound a lot, lot better than our second best mic which is a decent AKG dynamic (our third best mics are SM58's) It is much more open and natural sounding but what surprises me is the warmth. The sound doesn't sock you in the face though, it just subtly sounds more like you, if you are in the next room it sounds like someone is just speaking very loudly. In front of the PA I suspect the 'sound' you are hearing is that of the PA, not the mic. Sonically it does what it says on the tin.

Feedback wise it really beats the dynamics hands down, we are at least 6db up on the SM58's which is pretty impressive for a condensor. It has a really tight pickup pattern which is switchable to cardioid and pickup falls off stunningly quickly if you pull back from the mic, It really isn't going to pick up a lot of spill from the drums etc.

Pychologically it has made our singer read up on mics and mic technique. Within an hour she is really aware of addressing the mic, holding it straight and being aware of distance positioning she is experimenting all the time with the sounds she can get out of it, you can't take hold of something like this and treat it like it is just another piece of metal.

So, would I recommend this mic, yes, if cost is no object. Price wise it's a bit like buying an American Standard bass, Oh, you have? Better start saving.

Edited by Phil Starr
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[u][b]Shure 87B.[/b][/u]........recently acquired; a great condenser mike, runs off phantom power supplied by mixing desk and is now my "weapon of choice" for vocals.
A little more prone to feedback than my SM58, but the trade off is worth it for pure, vocal clarity.

(Post time??.......couldn't sleep, got up for a cup of tea) :D

Edited by onemanband
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