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have the prices dropped dramatically over the past 3 months or so? I couldn`t find a decent thru neck bass for £300 back then.In fact, i paid £300 for my Warwick Fortress Rockbass in February.I know i paid over the odds, but i couldn`t be bothered to wait for the auction to finish , but most were going for £250 on ebay back then.


Yep prices have dropped and still dropping. There's some bargains to be had, but not good if you want your money back on the Rockbass you have :(

Posted (edited)

I think demand is low and the impact is being felt on values. I have actually sold more on ebay than this forum recently and make okay money on the items that had been lingering around the for sale thread having quite a few viewings but no interest / offers.

Don't know quite what to make of it really as I, on the whole, buy on BC when possible. I know people are feeling the pinch everywhere but things still move, more so in auction formats where people look for bargains and can get a bit carried away with bidding sometimes. The BIN items are the ones to linger - maybe that is the issue on here, prices still a bit high possibly and less room for manoeuvre due to forum rules.

Edited by ead

Buy on BC
Sell elsewhere.
Forum rules (no auctions / statement of item value) coupled to people's knowledge and a broad range similar or alternative instruments conspire to keep prices on the low side around here.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1368017090' post='2072062']
Forum rules (no auctions / statement of item value) coupled to people's knowledge and a broad range similar or alternative instruments conspire to keep prices on the low side around here.

What has that got to do with asking about basses being so low?

Edited by timmo

[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1368022096' post='2072133']
What has that got to do with asking about basses being so low?

Err, nothing, it was offered as part of an explanation as to why prices on the whole are low rather than taking exception to the question. Or did I read it wrong?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1368022587' post='2072147']
Err, nothing, it was offered as part of an explanation as to why prices on the whole are low rather than taking exception to the question. Or did I read it wrong?
Perhaps i read it wrong.I thought i had broken the rules somehow.\\but reading it again, i guess i did read it wrongly, so i apologise :unsure:

Edited by timmo
Posted (edited)

[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1368022587' post='2072147']

Err, nothing, it was offered as part of an explanation as to why prices on the whole are low rather than taking exception to the question. Or did I read it wrong?

No, you didn't. It was intended as at least a partial answer to the question in the OP.

And to Timmo,
I did type it in haste, and it does seem a trifle blunt.
It certainly wasn't meant as some sort of admonishment, more of an explanation of what I personally do to try and get the best value.

Sorry for any misunderstanding..

Edited by Lfalex v1.1

Im neither wealthy nor scratching the barrel bottom for pennies but currently it is extremely difficult not to sell at a loss. Times like this see folk sitting with what they have as no selling of your kit means you dont lose any money.
If you were flush with loadsa ready cash you would be fortunate as it is currently a paradise of deals and people willing to take less than usual because other bills are forcing their hands.
Many sarcastic thanks to someone somewhere who caused the economic equivalent of the Marianas trench.

For deals on ebay - if you search what you're looking for badly spelt, other peoples smelling pistakes will lead you to auctions where fewer people will bid so you are more likely to get a bargain.
eg Fender spelt Gender etc etc


I found this site after i got my Warwick on Ebay.After paying that price, which was not too bad when i got it, and seeing an Ibanez SR900 on here now, for £350, i wish that was the bass i had bought originaly


Now that really is how I`m sure many of us felt on joining, and seeing all those wonderful instruments/amps etc up for grabs.

Many thousands of pounds - literally - and I think I`ve finally stopped (he hopes).


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1368033594' post='2072348']
Now that really is how I`m sure many of us felt on joining, and seeing all those wonderful instruments/amps etc up for grabs.

Many thousands of pounds - literally - and I think I`ve finally stopped (he hopes).

Ebay was like the starter course and the forum here was the main. Aladdins cave of gear on offer FT / FS.

So much temptation. The only way to avoid the GAS is to stay away.


Price is just down to what someone is willing to pay. I brought a MIG corvette $$ for 700 on eBay as i couldnt wait. Only to try and sell on here and lost best part of 300 quid.

Admitedly ive sold things on here purposfully cheap to move it on quick and even then thing took time to move on.

Even if people want it they seem to not want to pay what it could go for.
But when they need to sell something they expect others to pay a wishful price


On a side note, new prices have gone up crazy since I was last looking, specifically Rickenbacker. The 4003 is at least £500 newer now than last time I was hanckering after one.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1368041409' post='2072514']
Even if people want it they seem to not want to pay what it could go for.
But when they need to sell they expect others to pay a wishful price

This is a good observation and one I've made too. I love guessing the price before reading the thread and deciding if it'll sell, usually it doesn't. Same on eBay though but people are even more clueless and optimistic than I thought possible.

Edited by Machines

Gumtree asking prices are sometimes even more hilarious.

I can't count the number of times I've seen musical equipment advertised for the same as the brand new price - even sometimes more than the new price. Although I think this is down to chancers trying their luck because gumtree is free.



Some people just dont understand the second hand market, a friend of mine for long and complicated (but entirely honest and legal!) reasons ended up with 2 amp heads when he only paid for one.

He sat on one for a year with it in the box unused and then decided it was an expensive thing to leave in the box as a spare. He put it on eBay for the EXACT price the amp was new on GAK, and it didnt sell for months as he kept relisting.

His logic - It has never been used, it is brand new. Which of course is entirely true but it lost several hundred pounds value the second it left the shop.


[quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1368092343' post='2073010']
Some people just dont understand the second hand market, a friend of mine for long and complicated (but entirely honest and legal!) reasons ended up with 2 amp heads when he only paid for one.

He sat on one for a year with it in the box unused and then decided it was an expensive thing to leave in the box as a spare. He put it on eBay for the EXACT price the amp was new on GAK, and it didnt sell for months as he kept relisting.

His logic - It has never been used, it is brand new. Which of course is entirely true but it lost several hundred pounds value the second it left the shop.
I saw a used bass on ebay that recently that went for £45 more than you could buy a brand new one that was readily available from numerous UK outlets on the internet post free. So it was an excellent result for the seller and just goes to show what happens when a few get into a bidding frenzy.


I don't have one single bass or guitar that i wouldn't get more for now than when i bought it and that includes a couple that i've bought this year. You just have to be patient when looking and don't buy the first one that comes along.


Personally I think Warwicks are worth sitting on right now, their market is AWFUL second hand in terms of pricing.

I have seen some elaborate custom shop instruments go for under a grand in the past couple of years, prices will not remain that low forever I do not think, if the brand either goes pop or comes back into vogue they will creep back up.


[quote name='Machines' timestamp='1368048726' post='2072638']

This is a good observation and one I've made too. I love guessing the price before reading the thread and deciding if it'll sell, usually it doesn't. Same on eBay though but people are even more clueless and optimistic than I thought possible.

Prime example, used EBMM sub bass has been on ebay for ages, lucky to get £350 for it, the seller has listed it for BIN at £800. Can get a puka Ray for that. A couple hundred more will get you a new one.

It's also slowed the market down loads. People seem to god on stuff cause they can't get a good price for it. I remember even a year ago on the bay and here a big influx of stuff, warwicks, MM, fender allsorts. Now there is s handful of items, that most likely wpnt sell or take months to sell.

A lot of it is waiting for the right buyer too.


[quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1368096499' post='2073069']
Personally I think Warwicks are worth sitting on right now, their market is AWFUL second hand in terms of pricing.

I have seen some elaborate custom shop instruments go for under a grand in the past couple of years, prices will not remain that low forever I do not think, if the brand either goes pop or comes back into vogue they will creep back up.

At the same time there will always be basses that stay the same price due to extreme rarity second hand and demand.
Modulus FU, Ricks, vintage Fenders amoung others.


Some "customs" hold their value. Wal and Alembic for two.
Some Status basses hold their value, but Streamlines can be tough to shift.
Iceni bass values drop like a stone.
Sei seem to hold value well.
Can't speak for GB or Shuker.


[quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1368092343' post='2073010']
Some people just dont understand the second hand market, a friend of mine for long and complicated (but entirely honest and legal!) reasons ended up with 2 amp heads when he only paid for one.

He sat on one for a year with it in the box unused and then decided it was an expensive thing to leave in the box as a spare. He put it on eBay for the EXACT price the amp was new on GAK, and it didnt sell for months as he kept relisting.

His logic - It has never been used, it is brand new. Which of course is entirely true but it lost several hundred pounds value the second it left the shop.

This - I've lost count of the number of items (on here and elsewhere) advertised at too-close-to-new-from-a-shop prices, suprise suprise, they don't sell!

Ultimately almost anyone would prefer to buy something new from a reputable dealer than pay 80% (or more in some cases!) of the dealer price to a private seller where they have no backup, no dealer convenience, and often no chance to try out or return the item.

Whenever I buy new equipment it's in the full knowledge that it's probably lost 40% of it's "value" the moment I leave the shop.

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