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[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1368521822' post='2077882']
Not heard about Fender winding up the brand, but you could ask Mansons

Apparently its due the end of 2013, along with (quite stupidly) Genz Benz. However, word on the street is that the Genz chaps will be working on new lightweight amps with Fender, (so basically re-branding the line).

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Cheers for the info. I'm not so surprised by SWR, as they seem to have gone out of fashion a bit (also, I'm not a fan, as I didn't like the one I had)
But Genz Benz? Very surprising, as I thought they were doing really well. Ah well, glad I got the Streamliner when I did, and look forward to seeing the new stuff next year :-)

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I'm hoping that Genz doesn't get pushed into the "Fender" name. Fender have never been known for their bass amps...

...and rightly or wrongly, I wouldn't want to buy a "Fender" bass amp. Guitar amps - yes, by the bucketload... bass no.

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