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Had a Mackie 1608 for a while now- 16 channel mixer which uses an Ipad for processing. Works great and totally wireless.

I have just downloaded the app for to use my Iphone with this- mainly for monitors- all the band are downloading this app as I speak so everyone will be able to sort their own monitor mix.

Aint technology wonderful- jus gets faster, more convenient and cheaper.

However- if you dont know what you are doing there could be troule ahead- cue the sound of massive screeching feedback!!


[quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1368525732' post='2077930']
Bad enough when each band member can adjust your sound, you wait till the audience download the app ;) :P

hopefully they will be turning the pesky guitars down then!

Posted (edited)

The digital technology out there is really great. I think it's one of the most exciting periods for music technology at the moment - especially in the digital desk realm.

Behringer, Presonus, Roland, Allen and Heath, Midas, Mackie, Yamaha et al are really bringing out some great products at the moment.

Edited by EBS_freak

[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1368539049' post='2078173']
Dunno about this - using an iPhone to control the mix is like using a cat to butter toast.

You tried it?


I first saw this about 2 years ago when the sound guy on our gig started adjusting the fold back whilst stranding next to each of us.

I think this is a great little gadget.


Works great and yes you can limit access so no one other than the band can input any changes. Using an iPhone is really limiting as there can be no changes to eq etc. but great for small changes to a mix already done on the iPad ( where there can be a great deal of adjustment to eq, effects, comp, 6 auxiliaries etc etc.


Of course... what we all really want is one of these.... [url="http://www2.solidstatelogic.com/#&panel1-1&panel2-1"]http://www2.solidstatelogic.com/#&panel1-1&panel2-1[/url]


[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1368547751' post='2078357']
Of course... what we all really want is one of these.... [url="http://www2.solidstatelogic.com/#&panel1-1&panel2-1"]http://www2.solidsta...nel1-1&panel2-1[/url]

Is that off the new Star Trek movie? :blink:


[quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1368554627' post='2078521']
Is this[u] really[/u] better than reaching out and moving a slider or turning a knob?

Yes. And on digital mixers you move sliders not knobs.


[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1368604579' post='2078984']
For a mere £13,000 you could always go 'Super Size' with one of these:


Stops the dust in the sliders issue I guess!


[quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1368555689' post='2078539']
Just ordered the new Allen and Heath Qu - 16.... Ipad control on this too.... quite nice for sorting the mix when I'm setting up on my own

You'll love the multitrack recording - great for live recordings to mix later - I'm hoping they will include this functionality in the GLD80 in the next firmware update. The Dante card is really appealing but quite expensive... but then... wow the channel count!

I may be biased but having done a lot of research, I reckon Allen and Heath have got the digital desk thing nailed, right from the QU16 right up to the iLive series. It's just staggeringly good - and has transformed the ease of setting up and getting a great sound every gig. The onboard fx for processing the kit alone is amazing...


[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1368605822' post='2079000']Stops the dust in the sliders issue I guess![/quote]

Indeed! And could be updated/expanded at less cost than a hardware desk.

I honestly think such products are going to become 'the norm' in future, just as how software DAWs, synths and plug-ins are now a feature of every studio.

Hardware and analogue gear will always rightly have its place. But the march of progress waits for nobody... ;)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1368607391' post='2079019']
Indeed! And could be updated/expanded at less cost than a hardware desk.

I honestly think such products are going to become 'the norm' in future, just as how software DAWs, synths and plug-ins are now a feature of every studio.

Hardware and analogue gear will always rightly have its place. But the march of progress waits for nobody... ;)

True. You only have to see what is happening to the resale price on analogue desks. All the hire companies are currently offloading before they hit rock bottom... It's crazy to think that I can do the same (even more) with my GLD80 than most touring band setups with their 32 channel desks and stacks of outboard.

Edited by EBS_freak

I can see that a cool 32 channel desk is great for those big- hired in rigs, but for a jobbing group the Mackie with 16 channels is pretty awesome- and the thing is tiny- and light. I myself would prefer real faders, but I no longer have to mix onstage so no problem there.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1368611786' post='2079097']
I can see that a cool 32 channel desk is great for those big- hired in rigs, but for a jobbing group the Mackie with 16 channels is pretty awesome- and the thing is tiny- and light. I myself would prefer real faders, but I no longer have to mix onstage so no problem there.

The point is, I think the large format mixers are becoming less popular. It's all about smaller, portable, lighter desks with layered faders. High channel count on a small format frame is now entirely possible. In fact, you can do away with a console altogether - have a search for Camryn's Allen and Heath rig on YouTube and you'll see what I mean.

As for the Mackie, agreed, it's a brilliant piece of kit - and I say it again, the Mackie guys would uber clean up if they did a 24 or 32 channel version of their iPad mixer. All those jobbing soul bands who mike up a brass section, backing singers... full kit... etc... if they could get that under 1.5k and undercut the X32, Mackie would have it.

Edited by EBS_freak
Posted (edited)

Just done two gigs note X32 and was very pleased with the workflow and tone.
Remote control via iPad was the icing on the cake.
Definitely saving for one of these though FOH wants me to look at the Soundcraft Expression.

Edited by Monckyman

The Soundcraft Expression is a beautiful piece of kit - I'd probably take that over the Behringer X32 - but for the 32 channel it's abount 1k more expensive. 1k buys you 4 Behringer P16s... Hmm...

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