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Hampshire-ite dropping by


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So I'm new to Basschat (or else the introduction would be futile...) but I'm familiar with the friendly folk at MusicRadar. Maybe some of you will recognise me from there.

I recently bought a bass a couple of weeks ago (don't shoot me - an Ibanez SR300) and as luck has it I also found a bass project extremely quickly. Think old-school Metallica.

I've been playing guitar about 8 years now and I thought I'd switch to the dark side, or maybe it's the light side. But as corny as it sounds I hope it quenches my thirst for my lack of creativity lately.

I'll probably be picking up a cheap giggable bass head and combo at some point - so maybe I'll see you in the classifieds.

[b]For those who are too lazy to read all of the above: Hi there! [/b]

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Hey Schpudd,

Now you may as well grab your comfy chair, coz shooting is not required just yet. SR300 reportedly is good stuff with lovely EQ. I lust after one myself after having read about them.

Anyway, enjoy!


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Don't EVER EVER knock the Ibanez SR300!!!! It's a phenomenal bass for the money!!!

At this point I should say my main bass is the SR300 with the maple neck, my five string is the SR305 and I currently have a second SR300 being de-fretted for me as we speak as I want to "upgrade" my current fretless!!!!! So don't mock them, you have made (in my opinion) a very very wise purchase :P

Oh and welcome :D

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