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barefaced 69er, any comments please


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Me too. It's been a shared rig a few times, so I've been able to stand and listen in the audience, and I can vouch for the dispersion qualities, as well as the fact that it sounds great with all sorts of different basses.

Also, I've been using a Streamliner 900 quite a bit (for volume and convenience purposes), and it sounds great with that too - so it's not just for valve heads!

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I checked with Alex before buying it, and he said it's a good match.
It sounds good. As many do, I boost the mid a bit as its "all 12oclock" sound is a bit scooped.
Other than that, it's great. The sound of different instruments comes through nicely. Some say that the bottom end is boomy/mushy, but I didn't find that to be the case, which could to be to do with the cab, who knows?
The tone does lack a bit of the richness that the valve power amp gives, but I suppose that's to be expected. The weight and volume (my valve amp is 100w) advantages are huge.
I'll still use the valve amp for smaller gigs and recording, but I'm tending to grab the Streamliner for more and more gigs.

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Thanks for that, only another 8 days to go and I may well be the proud owner of one.

As to the original question, I think you can safely say that the 69er is well worth having. Our crew certainly thinks so, as it's so light, he never lets me carry / wheel it, insisting that he wants to do it for the novelty value of such a light cabinet.

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  • 8 months later...

Just resurrecting this thread to share more thoughts on the '69er.

Something I think I took for granted before was that it is so shallow (just over 12"). It means that it's easy to manoeuvre, tucks snugly at the back of the stage, and can even fit in the boot of my car when it's in tiny-boot-seven-seat mode!

It is still very much a niche cab though. It's great for rock/bluesy/funky stuff, but recently my tastes are going towards super-clean deep reggae tones. It does this ok, but it wasn't built to be clean and deep, and I've encountered its limitations in this regard.

So I started looking around for a suitable clean cab. This time when searching, it had to be 13" deep or less, which narrowed the field somewhat. One Super Twin on the way :-)

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The truly amazing thing to me is that with the Streamliner and 69er, I get the same sound at whatever volume I play at, from silly quiet to, well, heaven. I've never had that before with any other gear. It's always had to be in the sweet spot, ie, loud, to get 'that' sound. The other thing I've noticed, or should I say enjoyed, is that I can hear every note on the fretboard, never had that before either.

Streamliner and 69er, to me, the perfect combination.

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