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Trading and selling on Basschat seems to have dramatically declined


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The Basschat marketplace used to be really vibrant. Some really interesting stuff came up pretty much every day, giving the site a real constant "draw".

It seems now that this consistent trading has pretty much died off.

Has anyone noticed this? Is it just me?

Are there any other sites (apart from Talkbass) that still have an interesting marketplace?


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It's a sign of the times. Money's tight and getting tighter.

In the past I've bought amps on the off chance and a lot of the sales seemed to be of that nature.

It’s natural that those sales will dry up in the current economic climate.

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[quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1371391114' post='2113234']
Maybe it's because of the cost - £20 is quite a lot to risk if the item doesn't sell or attract a trade.

Possibly, although, pay once trade as many as you like for 12 months ain't so bad?

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[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1371391845' post='2113244']
And how many "unofficial" deals are made by PM when someone posts on non-Marketplace forums about "just wondering how much this bass/cab/amp/effect might sell for"?

I'd have thought that was a 'no no' but I suppose if someone came on looking for a one off deal they could easily do that and get away without paying the £7-£20 fee. I'd have thought it'd be at the Mods discretion to act promptly/effectively to discourage that sort of thing. I'd have also thought that it'd be bad form on the BC buyers part to actively chase deals like that and Mods should be able to identify if folks were sending PMs to actively initiate deals like that... yes/no?

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[quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1371389430' post='2113204']
The Basschat marketplace used to be really vibrant. Some really interesting stuff came up pretty much every day, giving the site a real constant "draw".

It seems now that this consistent trading has pretty much died off.

Has anyone noticed this? Is it just me?

Are there any other sites (apart from Talkbass) that still have an interesting marketplace?

Clearly we're suffering from the lack of Rickenbacker content. Oh well.

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Its just the economy - I'm pretty skint most of the time, kids cars and house takes all the income. I was never that well off, but the costs of living have increased much more than my income from playing over the last couple of years. I'm sure its the same for a lot of people here. I've got some great stuff, and its does what need it to very well.

I'd love to get one of those Steinbergers, or trade up to a nice old acoustic bass...but its just not an option, unless my gigs start paying a lot more.

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[quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1371393030' post='2113259']
Clearly we're suffering from the lack of Rickenbacker content. Oh well.

I don't think the Rickenbacker aspect comes into it Kiwi. I can't remember there being too many Ricks for sale/trade at the best of times.
It's a more general comment that the number of new adverts appearing daily just seems to have fallen off a cliff.


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I think the fee is making people think twice and there is less turnover on a whim.
If you are a regular trader then the fee is not an issue..but for one offs, it may be a consideration for some.
I actually think the economy is less of an issue in general as people are beginning to decide to spend now.. IMO.

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I have to say I've used the marketplace more (just a coincidence though) since the 20 quid tariff came in and have sold a bunch of things, which is great. But the six string bass I had for sale went on ebay in a best offer deal and it must have taken all of 10 minutes before someone bought it so just your luck really.

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[quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1371394046' post='2113279']
I don't think the Rickenbacker aspect comes into it Kiwi. I can't remember there being too many Ricks for sale/trade at the best of times.
It's a more general comment that the number of new adverts appearing daily just seems to have fallen off a cliff.


I think Kiwi's comment would have been accompanied by a wry smile.

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I think it is inevitable that, when a totally free resource becomes one that you have to pay for, then a decline will occur.

I too think it is a reasonable fee, but still, the move from free to not free, is bound to have an impact.

I've been looking for a USA Jazz of late, but there seem less of them around.

It's the way of the Internet.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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I can list on ebay for free if I pick my moments, sure there's a fee if it sells, but if it doesn't, no loss. Anyone is free to post amps for sale on my Facebook page, the return is sharing the page on your wall. Trade is picking up there for other people's stuff.

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If I saw an interesting bass on Feebay, from somebody who obviously didn't know about Basschat, I would point them in this direction.
I don't do that now, because of the fees on here.
I probably put 15/20 new members our way last year.
My Alembic is on hold to a guy from Bumtree who is coming back next Saturday with the cash. If a very good conditioned Alembic doesn't go on here for £1000 it perhaps shows hard times?
I did have A LOT of offers for exchange here, but the only suitable offer was another guy from Bumtree. Perhaps most of us on here have filled our boots anyway?

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