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Despite being in my 6th decade on this little rock, I still try and stay informed about the latest trends and musical fashions, and I've heard the above mentioned talked about a lot, but I've never really given them a chance, so I sat down and watched at least 20 minutes of their Glastonbury Festival performance tonight.

Despite being a little older, I'm not uneducated musically, and I've always considered my tastes to be pretty catholic, but try as I might, I just don't get it. Even my dear lady wife, who's not especially musical bless 'er, looked up from her copy of Sporting Life and commented "All the songs sounds the same - and I haven't heard one I can remember."

So could someone please enlighten me as to what it is that so many find commendable, memorable, edifying or uplifting about them. I must admit I'm veering towards agreeing with Charlie Brooker's somewhat uncharitable but perhaps not completely inaccurate appraisal of them, quoted elsewhere on here, as "Trust Fund Wurzels". They are posh boys from Wimbledon, I suppose.

It was nice to see bassist Ted Dwayne looking hale and hearty after his recent health scare, though. He was having a great time. Y'see, I'm not completely heartless.


It's simply a case of the kings new clothes. The media latch on to someone or something, tell you they're great, a few music journos champion them and it's job done.
I'm getting on a bit so realise that i'm not going to like a lot of younger groups but what i find really sad it that so many of these flavour of the month groups are so bloody ordinary and lack any imagination. Not sure about about Wimbledon but these dudes must live on the soulless semi-detached suburban side of drabsville.


They're at the apex of this wave of "new folk" stuff that they do, which is why the band is popular. As for why the "stuff" itself is popular, I have nary a clue. For some reason people got bored of electric guitars and now find the specific combination of vaguely esoteric stringed instruments, dull superfluous vocal harmonies and tweed waistcoats to be utterly captivating.

Matters of social class are irrelevant in music, or at least they should be, so I don't really care that they look like the kind of insulated, naive public school boys who might accidentally kill a high class prostitute in a Chelsea nightclub, art should stand on its own subjective merit. It just so happens that their art, subjectively speaking, is utterly risible s**t.

Posted (edited)

I don't think i've loathed any groups as much as Mumford since seeing Yes at Kingston Poly in the early 70s and after having to endure Jon Anderson's whiny vocals missed the bloody last bus home. :rolleyes:

Edited by BetaFunk

My son was into them so took he to the o2 towards end of last year.
Some catchy tunes delivered well. Had the place rocking. A good night.
Don't think they come across that well on TV. A live band for sure.


If your into this kind of music , then this lot are aweful, if your fairly pop chart driven, then they are like the Coldplay of folk I guess.

Check "wagon wheel by Mumfords, then by the old crow medicine show , and you'll see how it should be done.

I've seen some great bands at folk festivals who can only fill small venues, so this lot have someone clever driving it, I'll give them that.


Demo cuts for elevator muzak! I reckon I regularly hear more interesting young bands on the undercard (a long way down the undercard at that) at a host of folk festivals throughout the year. As for the Nu-Folk tag.. don't get me started on that :D



Our guitarist put a couple of theirs on our "set list suggestions" list
I said fine, but you might need to find another bass player :)

I always abide by the principle that if I haven't got got anything good to say about someone I say nothing, so here endeth the sermon on Mumford and sons!


I thought it was just me. I didn't get it either; rather boring after two tunes. And don't get me started on bloody Bellowhead!


[quote name='lojo' timestamp='1372657768' post='2128107']
If your into this kind of music , then this lot are aweful, if your fairly pop chart driven, then they are like the Coldplay of folk I guess.


That pretty much sums up my view. The first couple of songs are inoffensive, but after that it all merges into one.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='canarybass' timestamp='1372661864' post='2128141']
The first couple of songs are inoffensive
... only if you accept the definiton of 'inoffensive' as being 'that which is likely to incite you to smack the perpetrator in the face with a shovel' :ph34r: :lol:

Edited by steve-bbb

When Mark E Smith from The Fall throws a bottle at Mumford and Sons because he believes them to be retarded Irish folk singers; you know that they are gonna be sh*te.



I find them very repetitive (Mrs C has both albums and the second in particular, Babel, blurs into one frenetic, uptempo rehash of the first). Nevertheless, bitching aside, they have hit a particular note with the public and even got invited to play on stage with Springsteen last month. They are doing something right and I think they would probably give a collective middle finger salute to BassChat, while kicking back in their multi-million pound mansions! There's a LOT worse out there (anyone for "Walks like Rihanna" by The Wanted, for example?)


[quote name='headofire' timestamp='1372664904' post='2128169']
Guys, if you can't say anything nice... don't be haters life's too short. Just change the channel. They have done well, and they are top fellas.

I'm sure they are, and fair play to 'em.

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