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mouldy oldie


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Hi there, first post from me. Been playing since 1975 but never reached the standard I aspired to. Have recently gone back to basics and am working on simple scales etc to fill the gaps in my abilities.

Just sold my Rickenbacker 4002 which I had since 1981, and now plan to spend the proceeds on something amazing. The 4002 more or less went into retirement in 1986 when I got a Westone super headless, which has been my go to bass ever since. Also had a Thunder 3a fretless but had to sell that to pay for another impulse buy.

Several other basses laying about the place, but nothing special. Rig for the last 10 years has been an SWR workingman 12 which I bought while living in the States. I converted it to UK voltage after hunting down the transformer manufacturer, but the results are not great, so new amp is on the shopping list as well. Oh, and when I got it out of the garage the other day it was covered in mould.

I reckon I owe myself a decent fretless so am looking around for something interesting. Not sure really what I am looking for except that it needs to have 5 strings, no more, no less, with supermodel looks (yes, I am vain) and a voice like a choir of angels. And the same for a fretted bass.

If anyone has any bright ideas I would be interested to hear!

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Hey Badgad,

You'll get all the ideas you need, including quite many 4- and 6-string ideas, even as an alternative to buying an amp, so there's no worries there. That said, I do think your best bet is to start new topics in the special sections, as more people read there.
Don't forget to mention a budget, and exactly what type of angel quire you re-choir.

That or just buy a bloody, ugly StingRay 5 and my wife, and be done with it.
They say the low B of an SR5 is very good.

Enjoy the fora!


Edited by BassTractor
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Good job you sold the Rickenbacker before joining this forum! (see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209819-this-is-a-rickenbacker-free-marketplace/"]here[/url])

The fact that it was ousted by a Westone speaks volumes...

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