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I went with a Duncan SPB-1 but always wondered how the Fender Original would sound - people have their preferences - some say the Fender is the better, other say the SD has the vintage vibe. Have you ever had the chance to compare the two?


I wonder how much of this is actually true. I would love to find a machine that quantifies "grind" etc........ I believe it's all in the amp. Assuming you aren't using some crappy £2 pup from china jobby. When comparing the likes of spb1 and a fender original, it would be interesting to see how much difference there actually is and what it's attributed to. I love these pups by the way and this is a good price.


[quote name='dr Szelma' timestamp='1373449756' post='2137627']
It's not all in the amp mate ;) We tried a few pickups (not chinese) and there is a difference in the sound, especially when it comes to the mix
I agree, I'm not suggesting that you are inexperienced. I'm questioning, if attributes such as "low end" and "grind" actually exist are they quantifiable. If so when one person speaks of "body" etc are they referring to the same thing as somebody else. Or are these simply loose terms people throw in the conversation to justify their preference, ie is it all BS? I personally feel that the amp plays a major part in the tone. I've been wrong before though so don't listen to me too much. Ill only get you into trouble.


[quote name='untune' timestamp='1373156590' post='2134275']
I went with a Duncan SPB-1 but always wondered how the Fender Original would sound - people have their preferences - some say the Fender is the better, other say the SD has the vintage vibe. Have you ever had the chance to compare the two?

I found that the Fender sat better "in" the mix, whereas the SPB-1 seemed to sit "underneath" it. Classic Fender mids, whereas the SPB-1 to me was a much warmer woolier low-based pickup.

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