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When I went to buy a new cab I spent a few hours trying the new Genz Benz 212 , the Bergantino HD212 and the Vanderkley 212 MNT. The Vanderkley won on sound quality although the other 2 were still very good. They all had good handles too.........


[quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1376505410' post='2175182']
3. I really do like bacon sandwiches.

Absolutely. Bacon's not just for dessert...


How are people transporting their Barefaceds? Think that might make a difference. Lugging it on the tube or on foot is gonna be a lt more handle wear that van touring in a flightcase. Mine is usually in the back of a car, but its just been on a beardies in a van tour and they've beat the crap out of it. Mostly helpers not knowing its a light thing and expecting heavy when they get hold of it. I think a soft cover would have kept it safer without losing the lightness advantage.


[quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1376505830' post='2175190']
I like bacon and egg sandwiches best.....

Bacon, sausage and egg, then you can have a heart attack in a bun :P


[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1376557936' post='2175820']
Bacon, sausage and egg, then you can have a heart attack in a bun :P

My hair looks nice in a bun. Not as tasty as bacon, though.

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376558076' post='2175822']
I've never even seen a Barefaced. My opinions came to me in a dream.

Ha! I knew it! You bloody charlatan! Get back to your goats!! :D


[size=3]Clearly the handles work fine and no owners have reported failures of any kind with the handles so what we are discussing is a difference of opinion about a purely cosmetic issue. [/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]The cabs are what they are, which means they are good enough to be top of everyone’s “to try” list. [/size]

[size=3]Buy with your ears not your eyes. [/size]


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1376558554' post='2175838']
[size=3]Buy with your ears not your eyes. [/size]

Absolutely, I agree, but you can do both...its not hard to make something look fantastic.


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376515114' post='2175442']
Stingrays are sh*t... :lol: :lol: :lol:

indeed... but Sue Ryder basses rawk! ;)


[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376558076' post='2175822']
Wooks79 - I've never ever seen a Barefaced. My opinions came to me in a dream. Or maybe I read them through a hole in the top of a hat? I don't know.

this is trolling in style... if you're gonna troll, at least be entertaining. :lol: My hat off to you, sir.


[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376485263' post='2174620']
Heard the one about a fool and his money? How about the one about the emperors new clothes?

I have only owned mine for about a month now or so... but apart from cosmetic details, I really really like mine. It's not emperor's new clothes. It sounds huge, it sounds great, and it's so very light... It suits me perfectly. Yes, lightness comes at a price, both literal and in terms of how solid the cab is, with its thinner walls etc. But the way I transport my gear, which is the way 90% of the people here transport theirs, it will not be a problem. If I worry about it in the future, I'll get a case for those situations.

I can walk comfortably with Markbass combo in one hand, BF Compact in another, and bass on my back... and that's a very loud and good sounding rig in a very comfortable package.

Are there "better" options? Better meaning suiting my wishes.
I have not found one. If I find a cab that sounds better, for me to use it it should be as light or lighter.. and sound much better, or it would not be worth the effort and expense.

Corners etc are not the strongest points on the BF. Not the best fit. But it's something I can live with after I experience their performance and have transported the cab a few times.

I can understand not everybody has the same objectives and standards and not everybody likes the same thing. That's ok. But it's very naive and superficial of you to assume that BF owners have somehow been confused into buying something that does not meet their needs, and that they just express their delight with their BF cabs out of delusion.

I do like an entertaining troll, 'though, so please carry on ;)


[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376564067' post='2175980']
There's lots of things I've never tried I know I wouldn't like. Anal sex, for instance.

You should try everything at least once. You're definitely missing out, there. :mellow:

Posted (edited)

For me, my Barefaced Compact is pretty much the ideal cab. (My ideal would be an 8X10, constructed of gravity neutral material that could be folded down to hit in the boot of a hatchback).

I'm playing in an originals band, mostly for the fun of it. 50:50 as to whether I'm DI'ed or whether my rig is putting out the bass for FOH, so tone at volume is important as is being audible when I'm turned down a bit. There's always multiple bands on the same night so a quick setup/breakdown is important. There may be kit share, so idiot proof kit is imperative. Chances are I won't be parked within 100M of the venue, so light and easy to move is important.

My compact sounds great for my tone at volume, but still works as a personal monitor. It's small enough to get onstage and off again without difficulty even when there's a load of other people moving stuff etc. The Compact will safely handle whatever my LH500 can out out. It's light enough to carry to the car even if that's 1/2 mile away.

If I was in an originals band that had aspirations of making it big would I be using the Compact? No way! Chances are it'd be a big Ashdown or Ampeg. Maybe Trace or Hartke or Peavey or Mark Bass or GK. Half of being professional is looking professional and those are manufacturers you see on big stages. And there's many more requirements above weight/portability in this market.

A function band? [s]Again, probably not. I'd want something a bit more elegant and sophisticated looking than my current rig. The clients would be expecting a professional appearance of a certain quality for their money. In that situation I'd happily trade that for the ease of movement of the rig as it wouldn't need to be moved so quickly or so far[/s]. Edit following a PM to Muzz: Yes. Anything clean and smart is absolutely fine. Just don't use heavily mojo'ed vintage amps that look like they're about to fall apart.

Do I think Alex is making great products with Barefaced? Yes, wholeheartedly.

Do I think they're making cabs that everyone should use in all situations? No.

Yes, the strap handle is prone to looking tatty. I've had the same sort of handle on Ashdown and Peavey gear, so I know from experience to use it when I must and other times carry the cab from underneath. Mine is still fine after 2 years.

Would a strap handle that isn't prone to frayed plastic sleeve be nice? Yes, of course. Should Alex use recessed bar handles on his cabs? No. Part of his own design brief was weight. Heavier handles will compromise that.

Have I had a foot fall off? Yes after knocking it against a lift door. The next day a cocktail stick a drop of superglue and 10 seconds with a screwdriver had the thing as good as new. I've had to do the same with a strap button on a US Fender in the past. Should I be telling all and sundry that Fender are crap? Actually, don't answer that because I know a lot of you will answer yes :lol:

IIRC Alex, after trying and owning different cabs and finding things that didn't meet his needs with them, set out to research, design and build a cab for his own use. After making posts here (among other places) other people started asking if he could build them one. Then people asked if they could have one without the (expensive) mid-driver and crossover. The Compact was born. Customer demand meant that Alex's quest for his own cab had developed into a business opportunity. Which he took and has developed. "Good for him," I say.

Yes, David Perry is trying to do similar with EAD. For the sake of balance: "Goof for him" too.

Alex has now taken the concept of lightweight, loud, practical cabs and developed a range for different tones/amps but retaining those core qualities in response to customer demand. He's now exporting cabs to other countries and has created employment in his workshop. Even if his cabs aren't for you (and they may not be for me in my next project) lets give him so credit for what he has achieved.

Edited by clauster

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376564469' post='2175995']
Potato Salad. Definitely wouldn't like that. Don't need to try it to know.

But... but... potato, mayonnaise, dill, spring onion... what's not to like?
Especially useful during anal sex.


[quote name='clauster' timestamp='1376564588' post='2176000']
My ideal would be an 8X10, constructed of gravity neutral material that could be folded down to hit in the boot of a hatchback...

You sir, should get yourself a Barefaced '69er! :)

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