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Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376241252' post='2171206']
[size=4]Given the level of intolerance, surely The Daily Mail would be more appropriate?[/size]

A remark which itself betrays a distinct lack of tolerance for the rights of others to express a view.

Edited by stevie
Posted (edited)

[quote name='stevie' timestamp='1376249923' post='2171358']
A remark which itself betrays a distinct lack of tolerance for the rights of others to express a view.

As that view has already been expressed, surely this is a moot point.
[size=4]I have the right to reply to any comment, just as you do.[/size]

Edited by discreet

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376250926' post='2171377']
As that view has already been expressed, surely this is a moot point.
[size=4]I have the right to reply to any comment, just as you do.[/size]

You didn't actually reply to the comment though, did you?


[quote name='stevie' timestamp='1376249923' post='2171358']
A remark which itself betrays a distinct lack of tolerance for the rights of others to express a view.

Sorry Stevie but the more extreme the view being expressed, the more likely it it to attract criticism.

Toasted's wild exaggeration may well be his point of view (and he is of course perfectly entitled to exaggerate as freely as he likes) but he can hardly be surprised to find that some of us are not inclined to let such nonsense pass without comment.


You won't have these issues with your '69er HJ - recessed handles :-)

On the subject of handles and customer service, I was impressed by EA; the leather split on the handle of a combo, and they sent me two replacements free of charge.


I've been running a Barefaced Big Twin T for some time now, Alex will better tell you my purchase date, but circa 18 months as my only cab for live and studio use. It's one of the heaviest (maybe THE heaviest) in the Barefaced range, yet my handles have not frayed/rubber torn like many have. It's clearly just a fact that rubber wears. In time I'm sure mine will go, but they are an easy and cheap replacement so I don't see a problem.

My only observation is due the weight in my cab, when carrying the handles flex to thier limits, which in turns means I can catch my knuckles on the abrasive coating of the cab. I mentioned to Alex shortly after I received the cab that I was considering changing to the fold out metal ones which were shown on the last page and he pointed out the door frame width issue them. I got the measuring tape out and rest assured, it wouldn't go through a door whilst being carried so I persevered with the stock ones. After all this time they are going strong and are generally the least of my worries. That said, if there is a replacement on the horizon then I'm keen to see it!


Happened on my Midget after about a year, it's in constant use and has otherwise stood up very well to usual loading/gigging/rehearsal etc. The handle still worked ok, but had a bit of plastic fraying and so didn't seat nice and flat when not in use. I can imagine how having to use the handle sideways (as opposed to a straight lift) might make things worse.

I unscrewed the metal cap put some tape around the fraying plastic and popped the cap back on. Been a good few months of use now and it's been fine (in fact I'd forgotten about it).

I accept comments about paying for a 'recall' type replacement but I can understand how hard this would hit a little firm like Barefaced if everyone demanded free handles. So long as it's not too much I don't mind a few quid for a better handle, although I'm actually not that bothered either way.


[quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1376293613' post='2171679'] My only observation is due the weight in my cab, when carrying the handles flex to thier limits, which in turns means I can catch my knuckles on the abrasive coating of the cab. [/quote]

How about sanding it smooth under the handle and touching it back with black?


[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1376293929' post='2171682']
How about sanding it smooth under the handle and touching it back with black?

That would work. Though my knuckles would still be catching something (ie a flat surface) and I'm a sensitive little thing :mellow:


[quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1376293613' post='2171679']
I've been running a Barefaced Big Twin T for some time now, Alex will better tell you my purchase date, but circa 18 months as my only cab for live and studio use. It's one of the heaviest (maybe THE heaviest) in the Barefaced range, yet my handles have not frayed/rubber torn like many have. It's clearly just a fact that rubber wears. In time I'm sure mine will go, but they are an easy and cheap replacement so I don't see a problem.

After all this time they are going strong and are generally the least of my worries.

I can totally agree with this. I have had my Dubster for 2 years now and it has stood up very well to my clutz gig abuse, being picked up with one handle, bundled in and out of vans/cars. I have not noticed any problems as yet.


[quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1376294145' post='2171686']
That would work. Though my knuckles would still be catching something (ie a flat surface) and I'm a sensitive little thing :mellow:

I'm comparing my knuckles touching something to the pain of lugging my old 4x10 about when my knuckles were fabulously vulnerable!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1376293079' post='2171673']Toasted's wild exaggeration may well be his point of view (and he is of course perfectly entitled to exaggerate as freely as he likes) but he can hardly be surprised to find that some of us are not inclined to let such nonsense pass without comment.

Some may say I even framed my post in such a way to generate a reaction :-D.

That aside, these are premium cabs. No part of them should fail after a year's use. No-one can argue with that, surely?

Finally: I preferred it when Discreet had me on ignore.

Edited by Toasted
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376299666' post='2171747']
Finally: I preferred it when Discreet had me on ignore.

I still do. I only ever read your posts when they are quoted. :)
(I did deliberately look at the above, though - just this once). :P

Edited by discreet

[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1376293079' post='2171673']
Sorry Stevie but the more extreme the view being expressed, the more likely it it to attract criticism.

Toasted's wild exaggeration may well be his point of view (and he is of course perfectly entitled to exaggerate as freely as he likes) but he can hardly be surprised to find that some of us are not inclined to let such nonsense pass without comment.

I thought you replied to his comment rather well but there was no need for the ad hominems. I know these tend to slip out, but they are not conducive to open discussion - especially when they are thoughtlessly repeated by others.

Toasted may have over-egged the pudding a bit, but he made a reasonable point: if you are going to charge premium prices for your product you shouldn't be fitting them with a cheap handles that don't last.


It is a fair point, not sure they are necessarily cheap handles, and they still work ok, just seems after a while the innards fray.

Still shouldn't happen, of course, but I think it's about finding a source for handles which remain suitable in other ways too. Clearly BF thought they had.


I have 2 sets of decent ( premium) cabs and have gigged both for a couple of years.
I've had them in covers from the start and they are still as new.

If either of these types of cabs had any sort of issues whatsover, I would not be impressed
and any design faults would need to be recitied FOC by the maker.

I don't think a handle going is the biggest thing in the world but if it does..and this isn't a one-off, then that
is a design flaw in my book.

I don't think handles are a good solution anyway and would normally avoid them but one set of cabs uses them with no issues at all...
and these cabs go out in a car..never the best of loads, every week.
I wouldn't dream of there being a problem and nor should there be.

I can see Toasted's POV, and would expect any maker to get stick for this.


[quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1374589305' post='2150559']
You can always change to one of these:


Alex, if these handles rattle then you’re not using the right ones. I had these on my Mesa Boogie 210 and they were still good by the time I sold it, when it was an 18ish year old cab.

Don’t most of us put the instrument lead through the side handle so that’s one rattle fixed. I’d just hang a spare lead through the other handle.

Problem sorted.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1376313684' post='2171969']
Alex, if these handles rattle then you’re not using the right ones. I had these on my Mesa Boogie 210 and they were still good by the time I sold it, when it was an 18ish year old cab.

Don’t most of us put the instrument lead through the side handle so that’s one rattle fixed. I’d just hang a spare lead through the other handle.

Problem sorted.

Or put a small rubber pad on the cab?


[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1376316844' post='2172011']
Lots of people looking to release their own line of flawlessly designed cabs by the looks of it :)

[/quote] You read my mind.... :D

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