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[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1376402918' post='2173399']Good thing you didn't mention the dirty fork ...[/quote]
[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376418459' post='2173714']Ahem... [pedant] and it was lucky you didn't say anything about the dirty knife. ;) [/pedant]

I think that's one-all isn't it? Shall we call it a cutlery draw? :)

Posted (edited)

My 69er has a strap handle on the top which I though at first was a bit strange but as the cab is so light, it makes the cab easy to lift single handed. Alex put the side handles in upside down, doesn't bother me but it sure bothers my guitarist. My major concern is our drummer though, he doesn't give a sh*t about anyone's gear, not even his own, so we tend to keep gear that we care about away from him because he will break it. He's often been heard to say, don't tell me how to carry things, I worked for Pickfords. Twat!

Edited by bertbass

[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1376434584' post='2174070']
My 69er has a strap handle on the top which I though at first was a bit strange but as the cab is so light, it makes the cab easy to lift single handed. Alex put the side handles in upside down, doesn't bother me but it sure bothers my guitarist. My major concern is our drummer though, he doesn't give a sh*t about anyone's gear, not even his own, so we tend to keep gear that we care about away from him because he will break it. He's often been heard to say, don't tell me how to carry things, I worked for Pickfords. Twat!

This is a brilliant post :)


[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1376434584' post='2174070'] I worked for Pickfords. Twat![/quote]

A drummer who's a twat?! Surely not! :o

You'll be telling us your singer won't carry any gear and your guitarist is too loud next!! :rolleyes:


Actually, the guitarist does what he's told when it comes to volume so no problem there. As an aside, he's just started using a lunch box, very handy for sandwiches, oops, wrong lunch box, one of these, http://www.ztamplifiers.com/products/lunchbox.html. A hell of a lighter than a flight cased AC30.

As I do most of the singing, does that mean I can officially refuse to carry any gear then? Hang on, That would mean that the twat, I mean the drummer, would carry more. We're back to square one.


Reading through this and other threads, I'd say there are too many niggles in a product that has been going what..?? a few years now and plenty of time to get this sort of stuff sorted..??
What are we talking about...?? corners not flush, feet falling off, strap handles etc etc ..?? IIRC.

I don't mind cheap..and then I expect these things, but if you are paying a premium for percieved quallity and...bear in mind, there are no distributor costs/% in the mark-up..it all goes to the maker otherwise you might be talking 35% plus on top..??? , then it might be normal for a few raised eyebrows.as to where the money is spent..?
Quality, premium and QC should..at least in my book, spread right through the company and product.

Just as well, the buyers are willing put up with the niggles for their own reasons, but I don't know many who would for the price.


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376483240' post='2174539']
Just as well, the buyers are willing put up with the niggles for their own reasons, but I don't know many who would for the price.

Probably a moot point as Alex has a very full order book and his production is at full-tilt.

If you don't like the idea of Barefaced cabs, I'd say don't buy one. Go for top-class handles and an inferior cab instead.


I've read this thread with interest since my BF cab is nearly done.
But I don't understand the issue with the wheels/Handles?

As far I can tell, they are parts will be used all the time... Kinda like wheels on a car, would you expect the manufacture to replace all your tires, even though you've driven and used them? No. So whats different about handles failing after use?
You don't ever want to replace a car tire, never drive the thing. You want to make sure the handle and wheels dont die at all, dont move the cab.

I mean - if the handle failed instantly, that would be totally different...


Is this still going on?

I can sympathise with both sides.

A "failed" handle which has failed in it's cosmetic appearance is open for debate.

For example, I am sure that there would be a few Ferrari owners raising a few eyebrows if their otherwise mechanically sound vehicles were developing paint blemishes or rust. In this case however, the handles are subject to use and hence wear and tear... but conversely are cheap to change - and Alex seems to be willing to ship new ones out.



[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376483483' post='2174551']
If you don't like the idea of Barefaced cabs, I'd say don't buy one. Go for top-class handles and an inferior cab instead.

Probably the best and most succinct summary.

I've heard that Ashdown make really, [i][b]really [/b][/i]good handles.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1376483830' post='2174564']
Probably the best and most succinct summary.

I've heard that Ashdown make really, [i][b]really [/b][/i]good handles.

[b]Use [/b]really, [i][b]really[/b] [/i]good handles... fireproof too.

Edited by EBS_freak
Posted (edited)

[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376483240' post='2174539'][...]plenty of time to get this sort of stuff sorted..?? [..] corners not flush, feet falling off, strap handles etc etc ..?? IIRC. [..] Just as well, the buyers are willing put up with the niggles for their own reasons, but I don't know many who would for the price.[/quote]

... and others.

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376483483' post='2174551']Probably a moot point as Alex has a very full order book and his production is at full-tilt.[/quote]

Heard the one about a fool and his money? How about the one about the emperors new clothes?

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376483483' post='2174551']If you don't like the idea of Barefaced cabs, I'd say don't buy one. Go for top-class handles and an inferior cab instead.[/quote]

False argument. It's not an either/or situation. I'll take Bergantino and have both, better.

Edited by Toasted

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376485263' post='2174620']
Heard the one about a fool and his money? How about the one about the emperors new clothes?

Both, thanks - AND The Three Billy Goats Gruff. There's a troll in it, if I remember rightly.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376485607' post='2174631']
Both, thanks - AND The Three Billy Goats Gruff. There's a troll in it, if I remember rightly.

I don't think that troll is interested in these goats though.

Edited by EBS_freak

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376485263' post='2174620']
I'll take Bergantino and have both, better.

Great cabs, and beautifully made. No argument from me there. Pricing is fair too.

Direct competition for Barefaced? Not really, no. If they halved the weight of their entire range, then it would be a fair comparison.

Doesn't seem likely, does it?

So in order to make your point you've had to sidestep Barefaced's USP, which is that they can generate a bass sound which is at least comparable (in volume, quality & tone) to that of Berg / Schroeder / MB / etc. without needing to inflict >40Kg cabinets on my poor old back.

We can all play that game, but it doesn't get us very far.

I don't think that it's any great secret that I am a BIG fan of Barefaced cabs and of Alex Claber's work. In the unlikely event that you can be bothered to trawl back through my posts for the last five years, though, what you will never find is a claim by me that Barefaced cabs are somehow better-made or better-sounding or better-priced than what they replaced ... a pair of Eden D210 XLTs.

The various Barefaced cabs that I have owned / played through are [u][i][b]of a similar quality[/b][/i][/u] to those D210s BUT they weigh far, far less.

If Eden (or Berg or Schroeder) made cabs that sounded as good as a Barefaced or as each other, but which weighed the same as a Barefaced and cost the same as a Barefaced, then who knows? Maybe I'd now be a BIG fan of Bergs.

They don't though, and that's the point. Compared to the weight/sound/price combination, the issue of a small number of users having dodgy sleeving on the top handles of their cabs is so far down my list of things to worry about that I'm pretty confident I'll never get there.

This has been a very long answer to a bunch of comments which may yet turn out to be nothing more than bit of trolling by Toasted, but I thought it was worth typing. I'm not a [i]fanboi [/i]on auto-pilot, leaping brainlessly to the defence of my best buddy Alex. I support Alex and Barefaced for a set of considered reasons which seem pretty solid to me.


Posted (edited)

I don't consider myself a troll or to be trolling. So I guess I have to say something sensible now?

I don't rate Barefaced cabs. [i]Quelle surprise[/i]. They [b]ARE[/b] light but IME this is at the expense of a number of factors that come under the broad heading of "build quality" which have been well discussed on this forum.

I think the sound of the cabs is poor in comparison to other alternatives (Berg) but that's obviously a subjective personal opinion and therefore largely irrelevant.

Consider the Bergantino CN212 - 46lbs vs. the Super 12 T, 42lbs. There's 10% in it but that's only 4lbs. One has no build issues, one has many, many build issues.

Edited by Toasted
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376488320' post='2174734']
...many, many build issues.

Many? Perhaps one or two issues, early on... but not now. Alex's recent cabs are stronger than ever.
And though it pains me to say it, you're right, it [i]is[/i] about subjective personal opinion.
I like Barefaced cabs. You don't. [size=4]I'll buy one. You won't.[/size]

Edited by discreet

[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376488320' post='2174734']
I don't consider myself a troll or to be trolling. So I guess I have to say something sensible now?

I don't rate Barefaced cabs. [i]Quelle surprise[/i]. They [b]ARE[/b] light but this is at the expense of a number of factors that come under the broad heading of "build quality" which have been well discussed on this forum.

I think the sound of the cabs is poor in comparison to other alternatives (Berg) but that's obviously a subjective personal opinion and therefore largely irrelevant.

Consider the Bergantino CN212 - 46lbs vs. the Super 12 T, 42lbs. There's 10% in it but that's only 4lbs. One has no build issues, one has many, many build issues.

Fair comment I'd say. I've never tried a Berg, but they have always looked great to me.

I would say that I did a direct AB test of an EBS NEO 212 vs the BF S12t, and the BF was clearer, cleaner and louder. But the EBS (my cab at the time) was more aesthetically pleasing by a long way.

I'm waiting for a new BF cab myself, but if it falls short it goes back. But based on past experience I expect it to stay.


[quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1376488791' post='2174746']
I would say that I did a direct AB test of an EBS NEO 212 vs the BF S12t, and the BF was clearer, cleaner and louder. But the EBS (my cab at the time) was more aesthetically pleasing by a long way.

You see, this actually counts for a big deal.

The types of bands that I am in, I don't think I would be taken seriously if I turned up with something that looked like it was knocked up from components from the Tandy catalogue. BF really needs to up it's game on that front. Are we seeing BF as a festival or tv regular? It's hunting ground is the pub. And that's great. It's a valid market.

Louder? Clearer, cleaner... not in my experience? But thats where this is all subjective.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376489070' post='2174755']
What's up? Insufficient Tramadol today or what?

That's right. My bad back kills me. Must buy a BF.

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