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ah the good old thread about distortion pedals....

i currently use a multifx for most of my needs. i find the fuzz on it perfectly acceptable but the overdrives are not up to much. what im looking for is some that can do mild OD... nothin mad and it doesn't even need blend as my zoom will do that.

so here's the criteria.

can do mild OD with decent control to get a range of sounds
can't be larger footprint than a standard boss
under 100 knicker
blend not necessary
isn't fizzy and more of a warm grind to it.... perhaps like the sound from the valve in an ashdown abm head.

any thoughts?

Posted (edited)

Perhaps the ashdown drive plus might be a good place to start considering your criteria.
The ebs multidrive could be a good option as well

The ashdown seems to go for around £40 ish s/h, and the ebs around £75

Edit: just realised your boss size consideration. The ashdown is a little larger than a boss pedal.

Edited by dudewheresmybass

if you can find an ashdown lomenzo od s/h they're amazing for the money! as above though they're a little larger than a boss...


Some good idea's here and most are ones I would never have thought of. The simple reason it needs to be no more than a boss size is simply because if I can get something suitable I plan to get that, my zoom and all the power supplies mounts on a bit of a board which will fit into my current case. So as you can guess there is only around a boss width of avaiable space so anything bigger I'd need to get a bigger case etc (and thats would be getting mental)

I find buying pedals really difficult as I only really know its suitable after a month of playing about with it. Demoing in a shop gets me nowhere. I guess thats probably why I'm more inclined to buy cheaper pedals 2nd hand (so that I can move them on with little or no losses).

I'l certainly check these ones out on youtube tonight and let you know what I decide. I'm tempted to borrow my mates jackhammer too and try that for a bit, but I cant imagine that doing a good 'grind'.


[quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1375179223' post='2157580']

The ebs multidrive could be a good option as well


That EBS sounds pretty close to what I want.... plus it seems to do higher gain stuff pretty well too (just incase I want a bit of versatility)


Damnit!! the case i have will make it a tight squeeze with even a boss sized pedal. I've got an old cheapo OD boss sized pedal and it would just about fit with low profile connectors but bit of a tight squeeze.... I wonder if theres any micro pedals out there that may do the job I need... like one of the mooers or something like that. Saying that, the Ebs pedal sounds great and might tempt me into a larger case!

* when I say need, I really mean 'want'.


the fuzzrocious pedals in the smaller cases with the top mounted jacks will fit just about anywhere!

i think the "ram the manparts" looks really interesting, check it out (and any of the others ry makes)


Maybe a Zvex distortron? I love mine, from the wide sweep over OD tones I foundmine pretty quick.


I've recently got one of these eno rat clones, tiny mooer size enclosure, and to my ears is identical to the proco rat.

At about £26 delivered on eBay, it's worth a shot for you! I'm thinking of getting a second one :)




If you're good with a soldering iron try the DIY Kendrive pedal from http://diypedalkits.com/?p=114 basically a Hermida Zendrive clone, not a bad tone in the box IMO (although I use mine for guitar).

Guest FretNoMore

I've read that sfx sound's Micro Red Dragon is very good - it's on my shopping list. £120 though.


I'd recommend checking out the Hardwire CM-2. It can go from a lovely warm crunch to relatively heavy OD for a pretty great price.


For a cheap option, take a look at the Digitech Bad Monkey. You can usually find them for £35 new. BOSS-size tube screamer clone. Great for just adding a little bit of bite and break-up, but can get quite dirty of you crank it, too.


Take a look at the OCD clones as well.

Joyo make one (Ultimate Drive) and Eno Music have another (DSO-2, with a big cheeky and even shameful OCD label on the top too) in a very small sized pedal. The Joyo was around £30 and the EnoMusic was £23 or so, I think. I like the EnoMusic a little better, but they're extremely similar. They will do well very mild OD, nearly clean, and get into pretty distorted territory if you want it to.


some interesting ideas there! That ENO pedal is worth a go just at that price! Not gonna lose out by much. With a blended dry signal that could very well do the job.I might be tempted to go for one, give it a go, and if its not cutting it, splash out on something like the EBS multidrive. I really like what I've heard of that.


The Eno pedal is pretty good I think, whatever the price. It is very good at keeping the bottom end, so a blend knob is not really necessary unlike with many other OD pedals. I used mine (well, the Joyo version, rather, but they're nearly identical) with a Boss LS-2 precisely so that i could blend some dry signal... and I found that although I like to be able to blend dry/overdriven signal exactly the way I want it, I wasn't really gaining anything that way, so I use it straight now.

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