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Posted (edited)

[quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1396048699' post='2409553']...Apologies for my white on maple - I really do have questionable taste! :blink:[/quote]

The 'white on maple' is perhaps the least questionable aspect of its decoration, methinks..! :lol: :P

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1396054396' post='2409596']
The 'white on maple' is perhaps the least questionable aspect of its decoration, methinks..! :lol: :P

I hope you are not criticising my leopardskin gaffa tape? I had to hunt that out especially - you can't just walk into B&Q and buy that, y'know! :o ;)

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

Thread revival!

I've just bought a sheet of the foam board to make a pair of these. I usually go through the PA and use my amp as a monitor but at a recent gig I had a weird problem in that when I plugged my DI box into the snake I got a loud buzzing out of my amp, dodgy electrics I reckon as I haven't had it before or since. Anyway I digress, this meant just using my amp to supply all the bass and I struggled with feedback a lot, gaffer tape over the f holes helped and the notch filter sorted it but I had the filter turned up so high I almost lost that frequency, making one certain note very dull, so I thought I'd give a pair of these a try.
A gig in a couple of weeks is in a venue where we are lined up against a wall with the PA almost level with us due to space and I anticipate problems.

Edited by Maude
Posted (edited)

A mag pickup is very useful if you're trying to compete with a loud band.

The Kent Armstrong one is great and looks very subtle. I bought one of [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-MX400-Micromix-Noise-Channel/dp/B000KGYAYQ"]these[/url] and use it to mix the mag signal with my piezo on loud gigs where I can't stop the feedback.

I hardly every use my Mag pickup but it's always in my case as a backup if I'm struggling with feedback at a particular venue.

Edited by alexpea

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