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Alternatives to velcro on a pedal? Also a good chorus pedal?

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Posted (edited)

Hi there I've recently gone onto separate pedals instead of my old Boss GT-6B and realized that out of all the effects I used Flange & Chorus the most. What recommendations would you all give in terms of the most versatile chorus or flange pedal? Preferably nothing over £120ish per pedal.

Edit: Also in the market for a versatile distortion/fuzz pedal any suggestions of these?

Also another question; I'm thinking of getting my current (and future) pedals on a pedaltrain mini but I would prefer to avoid putting the velcro on the bottom of the pedals - are there any easy alternatives to this? ie some sort of holder/mount that the pedals could be placed in with the velcro on that?

Sorry for any stupid questions,

Thanks in advance!


Edited by TheMissWolfiee

You can use split bicycle chain to mount pedals, you could make up some wooden rectangles and screw the pedals to those and then put the Velcro on the wood. I won't be near a computer for another day or so, so can't post pics, but if you search for my 19" Pedal Board Build in the build diaries thread you'll see what I mean :-)


I use the TC Electronic Corona chorus, great sounding and very versatile. Their Vortex Flanger's pretty good too! There was a boss BF-2 Flanger going very cheap on the "For Sale" board very recently though, and you can't go wrong with those!


Superglue. Just make sure you get them in the order you want or have long patch leads.

For Chorus, I use an old Boss CE-2. For dirt, it really depends on what sort of sound you're looking for as there's that many different types.


[quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1376304818' post='2171823']
Plastic Zip Ties? I use a couple of large ones to hold down my Ashdown Footswitch on to my Pedaltrain Mini. Might work on smaller pedals. I use a Boss Chorus - works well for me.

I've tried that on a home-made pedal board. It sort-of works but it looks very ... erm ... home-made.


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1376319095' post='2172054']
I've tried that on a home-made pedal board. It sort-of works but it looks very ... erm ... home-made.

I used black ones and they don't really show up on the Footswitch. I agree it could look a bit "Heath Robinson", but there's not many options if Velcro is not wanted.


[quote name='Si600' timestamp='1376304244' post='2171812']
You can use split bicycle chain to mount pedals, you could make up some wooden rectangles and screw the pedals to those and then put the Velcro on the wood. I won't be near a computer for another day or so, so can't post pics, but if you search for my 19" Pedal Board Build in the build diaries thread you'll see what I mean :-)
Yep, and you can [url="http://www.pedalstuff.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=7&zenid=fa59e69e8f945901682df65ca0f19e12"]buy[/url] mountings to do the job if you don't have a handy chain and chain splitter lying around. :)


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1376378872' post='2172898']
Velcro just doesn't hack it for me so any suggestions that are significantly more robust would be very interesting!

Welding :D


These are pretty good but are limited to a few sizes. [url="http://www.pedalock.com/models.html"]http://www.pedalock.com/models.html[/url]


my go to chorus is the mxr black label chorus / analog chorus (both the same pedal but different paint jobs!)
and i have just got hold of the mooer ensemble king - very nice and only £59 retail!

Ive been using velcro for mine, but friends have used the bicycle chain method to great effect (!)


+1 for the bike chain, although this might not work attaching to a metal pedal board.

My board is just an off cut of ply, with another bit screwed underneath to make it into a little ramp, after a suitably lairy 3 year olds paint job and a coat or two of varnish it's pretty good. If you want to change positions it's just a case of screwing the pedals in where you want them. Not as quick as velcro but very solid. I only use two chain links per pedal and it's fine.


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1376378872' post='2172898']
Velcro just doesn't hack it for me so any suggestions that are significantly more robust would be very interesting!

Have you tried the Heavy Duty Velcro? You'd need to be giving the pedals a serious kick-in to get them to budge.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1376419381' post='2173737']
Have you tried the Heavy Duty Velcro? You'd need to be giving the pedals a serious kick-in to get them to budge.
+1. IMO most people who have had issues with Velcro have in fact come a cropper on one of the following points:

1. Normal Velcro is rubbish. You need the heavy duty stuff that sells for about £10 a roll. Cover the whole base of the pedal for maximum grip.
2. Velcro will not stick properly to rubber. You have to either peel off the rubber from the pedal's metal base plate and stick the Velcro to that, or loosen the screws and tuck the ends of the Velcro under it before tightening the screws again.
3. If you need to remove or re-position a pedal, work a credit card between the hook side and the loop side to prise them apart, otherwise you risk pulling the Velcro off the pedal and/or board.

If you have a standard size pedal, or don't want to mess with a vintage unit, you can get a rubber pedal boot to fit. The boot screws to your pedal board (use cup washers) and the pedal squeezes into the boot.

Edited by JapanAxe

[quote name='tb1973' timestamp='1376302320' post='2171784']
I've just ordered the MXR Bass Chorus Delux from ebay, USA free delivery at under £110 ;-)

Where did you order from? I got my exclusive courier service to bring one over (ie my folks were on holiday and I sent them on a shopping mission). Cost was a shade over £100. Great pedal btw.


It was a seller called themadape. It was listed as free shipping worldwide. I also wanted a phase 90, so he combined postage and shipped both for free. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-MXR-M83-Bass-Chorus-Deluxe-Pedal-/290836924511?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43b73b485f"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-MXR-M83-Bass-Chorus-Deluxe-Pedal-/290836924511?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43b73b485f[/url]


[quote name='tb1973' timestamp='1376470218' post='2174231']
It was a seller called themadape. It was listed as free shipping worldwide. I also wanted a phase 90, so he combined postage and shipped both for free. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-MXR-M83-Bass-Chorus-Deluxe-Pedal-/290836924511?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43b73b485f"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item43b73b485f[/url]

Thanks! Saved seller. There's a whole load of stuff there that I'll never need but you know hey free postage it's hard not to.


I've used cable ties before now, board was a large piece of ply so just drilled a hole either side of where the pedal would sit and looped a tie through (or joined a couple together for the larger pedals). Bit fiddly to set up and not the most practical if you're regularly shuffling them around but they won't go anywhere once you've done it!


I use these for fixing:


Work great, not pricey either.


I went shopping for a chorus pedal yesterday. Tried quiet a few. EHX NEO CLONE, EHX STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS, MXR MICRO CORUS, MXR ANALOG CHORUS & FENDER COMPETITION SERIES CHORUS. I ended up getting the Neo clone. great sound, simple, no volume loss and the cheapest ! and price was not a consideration. IT just sounded the best plain and simple. If you must have the MXR analog chorus there £85 quid from absolute music. The neo clone was only £46

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