stewblack Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 Goodness me - only allowed [i]one[/i] choice? Today's rehearsal I'll be using OLP 5 string. Monday (different band) I'll choose either the Aria semi ac, the musicman or the Shaftesburybacker. In the studio the Ariapro2 , bass lessons I carry around my Thunder 1. The fun of collecting basses is choosing which one to use - surely!
obbm Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 I voted Lakland because these days it's usually Lakland Daryl Jones 5-string with J-Retro and Lakland Duck Dunn but if I'm feeling Fenderish it could be '96 50th Japanese Jazz with J-Retro or '78 Precision with A-neck or if it's a Musicman day it might be '80 pre-EB Stingray or '03 Stingray 5 with Status neck, Nordstrand pick-up and East electronics. or it might just be '05 Status Stealth 5 It all depends on what mood I'm in and whether its a gig or a jam. Yes I'm spoilt for choice but I've worked over 40 years to get here.
Gazm Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 (edited) Well I voted Rickenbacker as I just love the tone of my 4003 but I also occasionally play the following: a fretless Warwick two Yamahas a customised Ibanez plus a couple of others [quote name='martthebass' post='1678' date='May 18 2007, 06:27 PM']Voted Warwick but could easily have put Musicman in equal measure. Every bass collection needs at least one of each.[/quote] Not got a Musicman or any money left so that will have to wait Pete. Edited May 19, 2007 by Gazm
stewblack Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 [quote name='MattyB90' post='2044' date='May 19 2007, 09:47 AM']Haha some of us can't afford that luxury.[/quote] Believe me there's only one that cost over £400 and it's taken me since 1984 to assemble a really quite modest selection. Mind you being on these fora doesn't help does it? I want a new bass every day visiting here.
barneythedog Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 Voted "other" - Ibanez ATK Although a MM 5 string is close on the horizon ......................
NAS Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 I voted Other - Status Vintage - Jazz profile neck, passive PJ pickups, Alder body Ash facing:
ali-stare Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 sorry to go off on a tangent but... sorry NAS but what is with those f holes. ok on a vintage archtop it looks good cut into the side of a p just looks a bit silly dont you think. looks aside how does it sound?
velvetkevorkian Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 Other- Peavey Milestone III. Cheap as chips but it has served me well as my only bass guitar for over 6 years, and has seen much action. Solid like a rock
woodenshirt Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 Ernie Ball Musicman StingRay 3EQ (maple neck) - so versatile! Bit suprised that EB are doing so poorly in the poll. Mart.
ThirteenDevils Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 2006 Fender USA Deluxe Fretless Jazz and a 1995 Warwick Fortress One Masterman.
theoldslapper Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 Wal Mark 3 5 string in Redwood Yup it IS the best bass in the world and it is British! cheers Gareth
7string Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 I'm very fortunate to have more than 1 bass as well. My Sei 7 is my current fave, but I do pick up my Fender Urge Mk1 a lot as well. I'm selling one bass and have bought another which is [b]totally[/b][i][/i] different to the Sei....
EdwardHimself Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 peavey millenium and columbuz jazz copy are my basses (surprised that wasn't an option in the poll actually : ), use them about the same amount really
Bassassin Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 None of the above. No category for ancient JapCrap, for shame! Don't really have a "main" bass, but my CSL custom Jazz probably gets the most use - it feels more "right" than any bass I've played. Jon.
OutToPlayJazz Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 +1 one for MB1's best of British... My Status KingBass Artist is the one, although the Warwick is kinda taking over at the moment! See list on signature
parker_muse Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 Squier Vintage Modified 70's Jazz Bass I love it, super low action, great slap tone, mudds up nicely with distortion and a think it looks a beaut. Just a tad heavy. I say a tad. Its a boat anchor.
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