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Took my new 5 string upright, now known as Matilda, to Beverley Music Centre for setting up and repairs. Very friendly, knowledgable, and prepared to take time to explain things. It was suggested that I replace the existing elderly strings - more suited to orchestral work - with Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich strings after I explained the sort of stuff I hoped to play, and the sound I was after. To the credit of Peter, the chap I talked to, he suggested buying them online and he'd fit them - he openly acknowledged they couldn't compete on price. This is the sort of service is that will make me a return customer. :i-m_so_happy:

Now, this is quite an investment as the cost of the low B alone is terrifying. :blink: Any other thoughts from anyone about these strings?


Great strings in my opinion. They can do it all. Before I began my love affair with gut strings I played these and liked them. There's a lot of love around for Evahs. Their nylon core doesn't last as long as a pure steel strings like Spirocore, but should still see you ok for a year or so. The weich gauge is easier on your fingers. Almost everyone has their view on strings, so you may get other opinions just as valid and then you can make up your own mind. Do you have one player you want to sound similar to? If so, try to research what strings she/he plays. If you don't find any info on it, try this forum, someone will know. I know strings are an expensive game but its also very exciting when your bass starts to sound like you want it to. All the best.


Hey Ian,
I love them and use them on my bass. Perhaps use a spiro low b to add clarity to the low end. My current set have been on for 1.5 years and still sound great. They do loose their top end a bit over time, but are a superb hybrid string. If I wasn't lazy/poor I would probably change them once a year. :-)
Good luck with the set up/repair work Ian. I cant wait to see how you get on with it. That really is such a cool bass!
Cheers Geoff


I've had the Evah Pirazzi mediums and weichs, mediums were a bit heavy for me (I was a total beginner at the time) but I thought the weichs were great, especially the G, probably the best bowed G I've ever had and it had a great pizz sound too. I ended up with EP weichs on the G and D and Spirocore weichs on the A and E for about a year which was a really nice set, the spiros giving a bit more pizz sustain on the lower notes.

That's the second double bass in North Yorkshire called Matilda I've come across by the way. Just found out tonight the other one is for sale if you've got a spare £14k.


Completely agree.
I used to swear by Obligato's, but when my Obli's started to lose their clarity, I decided to try EP Weich's having heard so many good things. I'm so glad I did!
They feel so comfortable to play, they have a wonderful sound both pizz & arco, and although perhaps lack a boomy bottom end and a really fine top end that cuts through, they are a fantastic all-round hybrid string that I am extremely pleased with. I will certainly not be changing them anytime soon!


Thanks for the comments guys. It looks like the Evahs are a good way to go, and putting a Spirocore on the low B makes sense... particularly financially, at £92.40 for the Evah B, versus £59 for the Spiro. Bloody 5 string basses... pah!

Can you boil these strings when the tone goes? :mellow:

PS Lovely sound Bilbo. If I can get a fraction of that I'll be happy.


OK... ordered the following:

G, D and A - Evah Pirazzi weich
E and B - Spirocore medium.

After chatting with several people far more knowledgeable than myself, this seemed to be the best balance between definition, ease of playing and tone across the strings. Well see if this transpires when they are fitted. Can't wait. :)

Posted (edited)

Spiro E is an absolutely classic sound, very hard to beat for that sort of tone. Good choice on the strings all round and, since I didn't say it before congrats on the new bass!

Edited by Hector

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