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[quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1378032027' post='2194822']
Does anyone remember that story of the phantom bassist of Tumbridge Wells? Does he/she only play after midnight on a full moon?

Sorry, I'll stop doing that :)


[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1378032249' post='2194830']
Next time he/she practices you should mimic what they play so they think they've got some delay unit plugged in somewhere. It'll drive them nuts.



[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1378032249' post='2194830']
Next time he/she practices you should mimic what they play so they think they've got some delay unit plugged in somewhere. It'll drive them nuts.
[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol:


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1378044155' post='2195010']
That beats the old trick of pointing your TV remote through your neighbours' window!

The neighbour whose lounge I can see usually has gentleman's fine art movies on ;)


[quote name='clauster' timestamp='1378049889' post='2195101']

The neighbour whose lounge I can see usually has gentleman's fine art movies on ;)
That reminds me of when I lived in a bedsit. The couple living in the room nextdoor knocked on my door, very excited to show me something... I got in there and there's porn on the telly... Turns out they were picking it up from the telly of the weird bloke who lived downstairs.
I know that things that receive can often become low power repeat transmitters but I'd never seen it happen like that from a video player.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1378031500' post='2194810']
This could be the new Mystery bassist thread! :D

At least last time we had a picture, can you tell if he is playing a 4 or 5 string bass, class D amp or big Ampegy one, flats or roundwound etc, come on we want clues :lol:

Just been out on the balcony for a cig and couldn't help having a nose.

There's a black four string bass (possibly a Jazz) and I'm certain there's a Purple Chili cab next to it.


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1378053581' post='2195166']
Maybe you should think of finger breaking plans just in case... As you don't want to be second best bassist on the block!

That's a bit extreme, Debs... I'd just set fire to his wheelie bin.
Then when he's out, hide bits of your gear in his flat and accuse him of stealing them.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378053787' post='2195171']

That's a bit extreme, Debs... I'd just set fire to his wheelie bin.
Then when he's out, hide bits of your gear in his flat and accuse him of stealing them.

And you reckon I'm a bit extreme!!

Of course, you could just turn your amp up to max and play his music at midnight, and then when the other neighbours complain you can say how it was him, as you've been practising quietly for years with no complaints, but this new troublesome bassist turns up and suddenly it's loud low notes.

If all these fail.... You could just be their friend ;)


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1378054135' post='2195178']
If all these fail.... You could just be their friend ;)

Well now you've gone completely over the top!! :o


During the course of the day, I have realised that getting in the lift to his (or her) floor and saying "I see you play bass. Are you on basschat.co.uk?" would have been a lot quicker :)

As far as I knew, I was the only bass player here, but that's still no guarantee I'm the best :lol:

And we don't have wheelie bins. We have chutes that send rubbish to the bowels of hell (as far as I know).


[quote name='clauster' timestamp='1378052174' post='2195147']
Not on my crappy cameraphone.

Plus I don;t want to become the creepy stalker of the block :lol:

Couldn't you just turn up at his front door with a bass and amp and suggest a jam?

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