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Gentle grit rather than distortion...Recommend me a pedal?

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I am seeking something that kind of sits [i]under[/i] the sound, offers some gentle grit and sustain, but really doesn't distort or overdrive the sound too much.

Anyone with any suggestions?



The SFX red dragon does that nicely. Won't change the tonality of your bass, just adds whatever level of gentle underlying overdrive that you want. All in a very vintage way.

However, my favourite for low drive is the Barber Gain Changer, although I have to admit it does cut lows a tiny bit. No problem for me, but if your rig is a bit shy on lows it would not be for you. It's a more modern sound than the SFX and keeps note attack much better. Not better just different.

A lower budget pedal that does the job brilliantly is the Ashdown Lomenzo hyperdrive. However it must be said that it needs to be an always on pedal as, by it's design, when on it will cut lows compared to the bypassed signal


[quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1378231233' post='2197461']
Ouch. Pricey tho!

Yup. Occasionally they come up for sale on here, but they're highly recommended. My VT1 EQ is my 'go to/don't gig without it' pedal. Superb O/D tones and a really clean DI to keep the FOH guy happy.


On the cheaper side, I found the Danelectro Wasabi Overdrive very useable on bass for a subtle overdrive sound; it has a 'blend' control to nudge in just the right smidge of drive. Just don't touch the 'boost' switch, it sounds sh*t ;)


Here's a sample of a fretless Bitsa Jazz bass into a DHA VT1 EQ and stright into ProTools - no compression or other effects were used, just the DI out of the pedal. It'll do everything from a leetle beet of greet up to silly filth :) .



[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1378235197' post='2197533']
Here's a sample of a fretless Bitsa Jazz bass into a DHA VT1 EQ and stright into ProTools - no compression or other effects were used, just the DI out of the pedal. It'll do everything from a leetle beet of greet up to silly filth :) .


Thanks Paul - sounds sweet and I imagine sweeter still in the mix. Hmm.


The DHA's are great for what you are looking for and I'm not just saying that because I am selling mine ;)



[quote name='d-basser' timestamp='1378242527' post='2197691']
The DHA's are great for what you are looking for and I'm not just saying that because I am selling mine ;)


[size=4]What is the price dude? You might as well tell me now [/size] :lol:[size=4] you tease[/size]


[quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1378245290' post='2197765']
What is the price dude? You might as well tell me now :lol: you tease

I linked the sale thread in my post, selling it with a change of valves and power supply, have a look

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1378227482' post='2197374']
Thanks Ham - I googled it and a link took me to your ad on here for the RD - did you sell it?

He did and I now have it up for sale


Edited by sk8

[quote name='sk8' timestamp='1378275511' post='2197895']
He did and I now have it up for sale


Lol, beat me to it !


Basically, there are a LOT of pedals that will wind back to only giving a little bit of grit. Trouble is, finding that pedal where you LIKE that bit of grit, it can be a long search for 'the one' lol'.
If you want a pedal that provides a bit of openend up grit only, check out the Wren & Cuff Phat Phuk B......thats all it does, whereas other drive pedals will often go more distorted, this just does a gritty boost.

Think there's one for sale here:



[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1378282411' post='2197973']
Basically, there are a LOT of pedals that will wind back to only giving a little bit of grit. Trouble is, finding that pedal where you LIKE that bit of grit, it can be a long search for 'the one' lol'.
If you want a pedal that provides a bit of openend up grit only, check out the Wren & Cuff Phat Phuk B......thats all it does, whereas other drive pedals will often go more distorted, this just does a gritty boost.

Think there's one for sale here:


That's mine too :lol:


Another vote for the VT Bass which is a great SVT-alike.

But if money's too tight to mention, you could try the ubiquitous BDI-21.
Very close to a SansAmp and for £26 you can't go wrong, really.

It's got fluff, hair, fur and balls at any percentange you like - and a weird scaly surface a bit like a herring. ;)


Digitech Bad Monkey. It's super cheap, small footprint, doesn't lose any bass. It's actually got a bass control which can boost the bass. Also it's green, which is a bonus.


+1 for the MXR M80 - I love it and you can balance the clean and dirty signals so loads of control over how much grit you want.

On the BD121 - they sound very good but[u][i] IN MY EXPERIENCE[/i][/u] every Behringer pedal I've had has gone wrong very quickly, if not out straight out of the box. Personally I wouldn't bother with them as I've probably sent £100 in total on Behringer pedals that basically don't last 5 mins and get binned because they're not worth fixing. Like I say - they actually sound great while they work, but for me (and others that I was talking to at the time) they aren't worth the hassle. I'm not a Behringer hater - love their desks and mics - but not the pedals.

Cheers, Doug.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='funkydoug' timestamp='1378287222' post='2198061']
Behringer pedals... they aren't worth the hassle...
[size=4]Ah well, there you go... my BDI-21 has been fully operational for years and has been gigged extensively, thrown around in boxes and gig bags, kicked around stages and generally abused and it's still going strong... so I'd say YMMV. [/size] :)

Edited by discreet

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