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Courtesy of the good people (Molan) at Bass Gear!

I had a Mk1 Attitude many years ago and I really missed it. So after the longest ever pleading with the wife I now have a shiny new Attitude 3.

I am told by Molan that none other than Dave Swift thought this was a beast of a bass, and he's right.

The neck is really big (bigger than the Mk1) but with a comfy profile but by the use of strange magick the neck dive from the Mk1 has been much reduced to almost none. I may still swap the tuners for some super-light Hipshots though. That might save as much as 1/2 pound. Doesn't sound like a lot - but out at the end of the neck that makes a big difference!

It's currently strung with Dunlops as Bass Gear don't do my favoured D'Addarios. But I still might commit some sort of crime and put flat Chromes on it! Can you imagine that neck pickup then???

It will get it's first proper appearance at orchestra rehearsal on 21st Sept.

Looks great! Is that the model with the scalloped upper frets? (Not that they would be of any use to me. Anything above the 5th fret is wasted on me)


Very nice indeed.

Does this bass have the 'scalloped' bits on the neck - sorry not sure quite how to describe them and, if so, are they a bit distracting when you fret a note?


Fabulous basses, just too much neck for my fingers (I've had 2).
Well done Mr. er Meister :)
Now the work starts, persuading the boss you need a second amp, for both pup outputs :lol:
Enjoy, these basses are fabulous and the scalloped bits really help bending.


Scallops - yes. Just the top 5 frets. Very comfy actually. I play a lot in the upper register playing keyboard and cello parts as needed. Not much need for string bending though!

Karl - Way ahead of you. I already have 2 heads and 2 cabs! 2 Genz heads (Shuttle 9.2 and a Streamliner 900) and a pair of Berg HD112. I'll be setting up for split use this weekend.

I've done that before with a modded Status. Looking forward to getting back to it!


[quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1378460264' post='2200525']
I knew I had an old photo...

Oooooh, lovely, Guitarses be afraid. Mr. Castle, don't you be looking ;)

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