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Posted (edited)

Hey guys

I've recently taken this pre amp and the EMG pick ups out of my bass as i've decided I prefer the tone of passive pick ups. I had been using this pre amp in my bass for all of 6 months running it with the 18v mod and used it on a lot of recordings/band practises but never live. I've got the pick ups that I used it with for sale on a separate thread too. Just so you know, they were an EMG 40P and 40DC. Sounded great but as said before, just wasn't for me. I've gone back to mainly using a Duncan loaded P Bass so yeah, that's the reason for the passive love.

The set i'm selling here is the BQC System, not just the control so it comes with:

Bass/Treble stack
Mid boost and cut/mid frequency stack
Master volume

All EMG knobs included
Switchcraft output jack included

This pre amp is totally solder less and features EMG's quick connect system but i have soldered one end of one of the cables to the output jack as I prefer doing this. Feels more stable to me. Doesn't mean it's permanently connected either as the other end of the cable still has the quick connecter on there.

I'm asking £50 for it plus postage or you can come collect.


Edited by Biaeothanata-Bassist

If the system will fit into a Warwick Streamer I'll take it but I'll need to check that the boards mounted on the pots will fit into the cavity (depth) and that the shafts are the correct diameter to fit the holes drilled in the body.

Speak soon.


If it helps, I've recently fitted one of these into an Ibanez BTB with no need for any woodwork.
The woodwork was to alter the string spacing with the routed-in bridge pieces.. :rolleyes:


Hey Warwickhunt, Tony has first dibs as it were on it as he messaged me a bit earlier but if he decides not to take it then you have 2nd dibs (i hate that word!) Thanks for your interest though. You shouldn't need to alter anything on your bass either, depth wise the board is barely any taller standing than a normal stacked potentiometer and if i remember rightly, there's plenty of room in the usual Warwick cavity. The cavity in the bass I used it in was quite shallow and very tight so it was a tight squeeze getting the pre amp fitted but it all fit in with a bit of room spare.

And thanks Hubrad, seems we're both on the same wave length :)


Does this preamp work with any passive pickups or is it for use only with EMG active pups?


[quote name='ikay' timestamp='1379489628' post='2213167']
Does this preamp work with any passive pickups or is it for use only with EMG active pups?

Not all of it - the volume and blend knobs are specific to EMGs. If you want to use other pickups then you just use the parts with the stack knobs and make your own arrangements for volume/blending/pickup selecting and feed the output of that to the preamp.


This is back available again as TonyF has pulled out of the deal.

In reply to your answer iKay, I originally used it with the passive pick ups that were in the bass before I got the EMGs and they worked fine with it. I just put a quick connect end on the wire from the pick ups and hooked them up to the volume and blend in the same way you would with the active EMGs. Worked fine and sounded good too.

And JimbobTTD, one more wouldn't kill you, go for it mate ;)

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