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Basses owned ( is one you want amongst these? )

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Heres a thought folks........

How about I make this thread a sticky and we can keep adding to it, we can then maybe use it as a referance. Anybody having bad GAS or a yearning for 'a particular' new axe for their perusal, could search the therad to see if someone has owned it and can ask them for thier valued opinion as to what that axe is like to live with......



[quote name='The Burpster' post='25118' date='Jun 29 2007, 08:41 PM']Heres a thought folks........

How about I make this thread a sticky and we can keep adding to it, we can then maybe use it as a referance. Anybody having bad GAS or a yearning for 'a particular' new axe for their perusal, could search the therad to see if someone has owned it and can ask them for thier valued opinion as to what that axe is like to live with......


Great idea Bob, it'll work on many levels, expecilly as many of the basses in question have 'done the rounds' so to speak. Nice one mate


[quote name='paul, the' post='24218' date='Jun 27 2007, 11:56 PM']Theoretically, this could be done on the review forum, but there isn't really enough infrastructure for consistency or for enticing people to post reviews of previously owned instruments.

Anyway, it's just the dream, I don't think it's feasible with the BC forum interface.[/quote]

If we installed the Wiki which we had on Basstalk (yes, the Wiki that almost noone used) then this would be possible. We also have a reviews section which can be added to.


I feel obsolete.

Stagg Fusion; My starter bass

The stagg was not good, in hindsight, it was terrible. It sounded horrific and the action was incredibley high. A year on... i updated to...

Squier Vintage modified Jazz.

You know the score... amaazing.

Ive also got an Orange Crush 35b, lovely gainy growl


[quote name='dub_junkie' post='24727' date='Jun 29 2007, 01:02 AM'][b]EBMM Bongo 4 HS [/b]- Love the sound dont like other aspects of it like the lack of space between neck pickup and edge of the board.[/quote]

you need to pick something from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1088"]this thread[/url] to swap it for :)


Black Columbus P-Bass
Kay Neck Thru Natural
Columbus P/J P-Bass
Hohner Jack
Hohner B2a
Squier Jazz
Fender Sonic Blue P-Bass MIJ RI
Aria Neck-Thru 4 string not sure of model
Fender Cream 70's Jazz MIA**
Lag Custom 4 Walnut**
Status Eclipse 5 Walnut
Warwick Streamer Standard 4 Honey Violin
Warwick Streamer Stage I Natural
Fender Deluxe Active Jazz 4 MIM
Lakland 55-01 Deluxe Cherry Sunburst
Lakland 55-01 Inca Silver Fretless
Fender Standard Jazz V MIM Sage Green Metallic
Fender Deluxe Jazz V Inca Silver MIA
Squier Q Series P-Bass Black
Tobias Toby Pro 6 Natural
Rockbass Streamer Standard Blue
Fender P-Bass Foam Green (fake)
No-Name LP Type Bass Short Scale Black
Musicman Stingray 4 Natural
Lakland Joe Osborn 5 Candy Apple Red
Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat**
Fender Geddy Lee Jazz
Fender P-Bass Shell Pink MIJ**
Fender Jazz 75 RI MIA Gold
Fender Jazz Deluxe QMT Vintage Cherry Sunburst
Steinberger Spirit B25a
Status SmartBass 4 Walnut
Lakland 55-02 Natural
Lakland 55-01 Inca Silver
Yamaha TRB 1006 Natural
Fender Standard Jazz Sunburst De-Fretted MIM
Fender Aerodybne Jazz Gunmetal Blue
Fender Jazz 75 RI Candy Apple Red
Yamaha TRB 1005 TDR
Reggie Hamilton Jazz Sunburst MIM
Lakland Daryl Jones 5 Pearl White*
Fender Standard Jazz V Sunburst MIM
Fender Highway 1 Jazz Sunburst MIA
Cort Curbow 5 String Blue
Lakland Joe Osborn 4 Candy Apple Red
Lakland Daryl Jones 5 Lake Placid Blue*

*Current Basses
**Wish I still had


'Vintage' stingray copy 5 string- heaviest bass I've even owned
yamaha bb404 - not bad, uninspiring
Warwick streamer standard single pickup - I loved this bass so much, really wish I could buy it back
Warwick corvette proline (wenge neck) - wasn't actually a proline, the bass cellar ripped me off- it was just an ash bodied standard- sh*t bass
Fender Jazz 4, sunset orange, maple neck - my first 'proper' bass, traded to flanker in px for a sadowsky 5
Fender usa deluxe jazz 5 - stunning but B was lacking slightly
Hohner fretless - crap
Jazz copy fretless - heavy
Sadowsky tokyo UV70's 5 string - wicked bass
MPG Level 5 - wish I still had this
Lakland 55-02 - great bass, heavy
Shuker jazz 5 - just wasn't me, went back to jon
Musicman Stingray 5 1994 - Buying this was a real wake up. Stunning bass, best low B of anything else I've owned- got an ebony fretless board put on, it made a stunning fretless.
Sei Jazz 5 - beautiful, what a neck
Sei Original 5 - again, beautiful- awesome bass.
Musicman Stingray 5 HH - The best bass I've owned so far- I missed my old SR5 so much I bought this. It just works, everything is spot on. Sounds so good recorded and in a band.
Marcus Miller Jazz 4 - bloody excellent bass, really enjoying having a jazz 4 again.

Posted (edited)

Hey... I might as well join in!

Squier Precision* - (Bought for £20 from a stoned guy as I started my venture into the world of bass. Poorly made, but I still love her and bought "enhancements". On loan to a friend starting bass)
Fender MIM Precision - (The worse bass I have ever owned. The guy sold cheap, I know now why. You could fire arrows from the neck)
Warwick Ash Corvette - (Really loved the look and sound of this bass. Light and a nice tonal spectrum. Issues with straplock and nut.)
Hohner B2V - (Got given this bass. It was nice to play with the 5 string, but it was lacking in depth. Loved the compact headless design)
Warwick Thumb NT* - (This is the nicest playing bass I've ever owned. The neck is a joy to play)
Fender Precision '79 - (Relieved some GAS. The nicest sounding bass I have ever owned. But the neck needed a lot of work, and I didn't want to bother at the time. Regret selling it)
Musicman Stingray 2EQ* Trans-era - (The most beautiful bass I've owned.)
Fender CIJ Precision - (Me expressing regret selling my 79'. Nice, but just wasn't the same)
Musicman Stingray 3EQ - (Thought I had caught the SR bug, but then this came along...)
Fender US Jazz* - (With custom vintage pups, a great bass and is becoming quickly my favourite)
Fender Precision '83* - (Me expressing regret selling my 79' again. In lovely condition tho.)

* = Still have

Edited by s_u_y_*

I love this thread!

it would be interesting to see what the most popular makes/models are, and what we all started on, but I don't think anyone will be ar53d to go through this thread and put them all in some kind of spreadsheet. I know I can't :huh: :)


My first was an Axe 4 string p/jazz copy, I had no finger strength because id just started playing and the neck was so warped that I couldn't actually push the string to the board beyond the 12th fret. One of the bushings on the machinheads literally fell off the second day I had it so I played it with 3 strings and it had no backplate so the electronics hung out the back. it only had one knob with numbers literally painted on it but they weren't even so you couldnt really tell what was going on. And that SOUND well lets just say ill never hear anything like it again, what a bass :)




Squier Precision
MIM Jazz Bass
Pedulla MVP4 Custom
Fender 1857 re-issue Precision, shell pink
Carvin BB75A
Bossa UJB
OLP MM3 with Status neck
Marleaux Consat Straight 4
Alembic Elan 6

Vigier Passion s2 fretted - w/marleaux leccy
Vigier Passion s3 fretless - w/u retro
Bacchus Jazz - w/villex/bart leccy
Bacchus 24F


Swapped an old Garelli motorbike for a Kay EB0 copy in 1981, that was the worst guitar ever made. Think it had some fake leather on the pups ? Awful

Moved on to Aria's, SB55 Special, SBR-60, SB-1000 (all the rage in the day)

Changed to Musicmans, Stingray, Sabre.

Then to Yamaha BB's (love them, bit of neck dive on my, will never sell it BB1100s)

Now playing a Fender Stratocaster, Jaydee Supernatural, MM Stingray and a black Fender Precision '78' (JJ Burnel influence)

Had plenty of cr*p in between, all sold on, thank god,,


short and sweet;

Westone Thunder I - My first bass(bought new back in ..... ooh, doesn't bear thinking about). Superb until it was half-inched by some toe rag
CMI (WHO ??) Jap precision/jazz half breed thing - Now de-fretted and just about surviving
Ibanez ATK 400 - Still my main bass and I love it
Yamaha BB615 - well, everyone has to have at least ONE 5 string
Stagg fusion - DON'T ASK! changed pickups and set up - does as a standby

and that's that

Posted (edited)

Precision Copy !
Westone Thunder 2
Aria SBR600
Ibanez Destroyer
Kramer aluminium neck thingy !
JD Mark King
Yamaha 5 String (can't remember model)
Yamaha John Myung six string
Alembic Mark King ( Sold it like a pillock)
Squire Jazz 4 string fretless
Status Eclipse 6 string with graphite neck (still have)
Status S2 classic 4 string headless
Status S2 classic 5 string through neck with front and side LEDS (still have)
MTD Kingston 5 string fretless
Shuker 6 string headless ( 3 weeks away from getting)

* GAS for Fender Geddy Lee

Edited by Johngh

ok i'll do one.

Harley benton jazz bass copy (sold on to some w***er who way overcharged me for a)-
Shine 5 string bass (sold for £40 to my mate)
Peavey milenium BXP (my favourite bass atm, i don't think i'll ever sell it unless i'm asked for a swap between this and a bass custom made by the god of thunder himself :) )
Columbus jazz copy (don't ask about this one, you don't want to know what i did)

Posted (edited)

Here's what i can remeber!

Kay single cutaway . think the body was made from laminated cardboard!
Westone Thunder 1a
Wetone Thunder 1 fretless
Rickenbacker 4001 Burgundy
Aria SB1000 fretless
Rickenbacker 4001 Jetglo
Aria SB1000 fretted
Jaydee M King in Black
88 Warwick Thumb NT
Warwick Dolphin NT l.e.d.'s
Jaydee Session Fretless
Squier P bass special
MM Stingray 5
'90 Wal 4 B'eye facings midi
'89 Wal 5 Walnut fretted
'81 Wal 4 Padauk Defret
'85 Wal 4 Padauk Fretted
'87 Wal 4 Yew fretted
'90 Wal 4 White fretted
'91 Wal 4 Maple fretless
'86 Wal 4 Olive Ash fretted
'84 Wal 4 Wenge fretted
'84 Wal 4 Black fretted
'88 Wal 4 Salmon pink midi mk1
'92 Wal 4 Honduran Mahogany
'91 Wal 4 Padauk
'98 Wal 4 Solid Ash mk3
'83 Wal 4 Sunburst custom fretless
'82 Wal 4 Wenge fretted
'96 Wal 5 Padauk mk 3 fretted
'87 Wal 4 Shedua fretless
'85 Wal 4 Maple fretted
'80 Wal 4 Pro 2 e fretless
'82 Wal 4 Solid shedua fretted
'83 Wal 4 Solid Ash fretted
'96 Wal 5 Olive Ash fretless**
'03 Wal 5 Shedua mk 3 fretted*
'87 Wal 4 Shedua fretless*

I quite like Wal basses BTW :)
The ones i still have are marked*
The one marked ** is my favourite

Edited by walplayer

My first bass, bought in 1996 for £200: 1990 Hohner Jack (since defretted, epoxied, stripped to bare wood, electronics change to single Bartolini J and MEC2 preamp)

My nice bass, bought in 1999 for £650 including flightcase, gigbag, Boss multi-FX, and a couple of Whirlwind leads - bargain!): 1987 Warwick Streamer (upgraded to 18V and preamp changed to OBP-3 plus extra toggle switches, just-a-nut II and ebony ramp added)

Until the RIM Custom arrives then that's the lot.



[quote name='walplayer' post='27004' date='Jul 4 2007, 02:46 PM']'90 Wal 4 B'eye facings midi
'89 Wal 5 Walnut fretted
'81 Wal 4 Padauk Defret
'85 Wal 4 Padauk Fretted
'87 Wal 4 Yew fretted
'90 Wal 4 White fretted
'91 Wal 4 Maple fretless
'86 Wal 4 Olive Ash fretted
'84 Wal 4 Wenge fretted
'84 Wal 4 Black fretted
'88 Wal 4 Salmon pink midi mk1
'92 Wal 4 Honduran Mahogany
'91 Wal 4 Padauk
'98 Wal 4 Solid Ash mk3
'83 Wal 4 Sunburst custom fretless
'82 Wal 4 Wenge fretted
'96 Wal 5 Padauk mk 3 fretted
'87 Wal 4 Shedua fretless
'85 Wal 4 Maple fretted
'80 Wal 4 Pro 2 e fretless
'82 Wal 4 Solid shedua fretted
'83 Wal 4 Solid Ash fretted
'96 Wal 5 Olive Ash fretless**
'03 Wal 5 Shedua mk 3 fretted*
'87 Wal 4 Shedua fretless*

I quite like Wal basses BTW :huh:[/quote]

Now there's an understatement :) You are well named Walplayer!


And if I'm going to take the P, I'd better post my own list:

Gone, but not forgotten

Dean Edge 4
Aria Pro II IGB40
SGC Bass Collection SB301
Hagstrom Futurama (1962)
Johnson Jazz fretless
Satellite 3/4 size P-bass
Tanglewood TW15A acoustic
Klira Merkur (1965) fretless conversion
Traveler Pro travel bass

Still here, still played

MTD Grendel
Aria Sinsonido travel bass
Rickenbacker 4003 (1984)
SGC Bass Collection SB325
SGC Bass Collection SB320

The Collection, still played and sometimes gigged

Hofner 500/1 Violin 1963 RI (2006)
Hofner 500/3 (Senator) (1960)
Hofner Senator (500/3) (1963)
Hofner 500/5 (President) (1968)
Hofner President (500/5) (1964)
Hofner Verithin (500/6) (1969)
Hofner Verithin (500/7) (1965)
Hofner Professional (182/E1) (1965)
Hofner 182/E2 (Professional) (1964)
Hofner 185/E2 (Artist) (1965)


[quote name='Happy Jack' post='27117' date='Jul 4 2007, 07:31 PM']Naaah!

He's only bought ONE since 1998 ...


I imagine the year is production not purchase :)


[quote name='Beedster' post='27142' date='Jul 4 2007, 08:11 PM']I imagine the year is production not purchase :)[/quote]

Yeah,you're right,took me about 2hrs to think of them all and find what year they were from
on the Wal database.......might seem sad,but off work sick so it was either do that or watch
daytime t.v. again!!


Um, I've only been playing for a couple years, so I have no shame in saying I only have two basses(both of which I still own if you didn't get that.) :)

Aria IGB40 Metallic Red Shade

B.C. Rich Platinum Mockingbird (Black headstock, natural wood body)


Sweet, lovely collections! I enjoy reading the comments people have posted about their past basses, sometimes quite detailed and sometimes short and sweet, like 'crap' lol

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