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Olympic White 66/62 style Jazz Bass build


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[quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1381164968' post='2235249']


This is not a criticism because I am in the process of going for this exact Oly white + matching headstock/tort colour scheme but on a 5 string J. However, there is something beautifully honest about a natural/tort Fender bass. I need to get out more.

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I should get the neck finished in the next couple of days. I'll start on the body on Saturday. Once they're both sprayed up (body - apply white primer, wet & dry sand to a smooth surface, apply Olympic White lacquer, wet & dry again, then apply clear gloss).

It dries to the touch within minutes, but needs weeks for it to start to dry out enough to get a strong, hard finish for final buffing to a glassy sheen.

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Okay, a bit more white primer applied, then the Olympic White


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Then, remove the masking and start to clean up the edges.


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Here's the trick - you simply use a single piece of masking tape which covers above the edge.

Then, use a small file (or something similar) to rub along the covered edge. The file wears away the masking along the sharp edge. You then simply peel off the excess, leaving you with neat masking right up to the edge of the headstock.

I'll post some pics later showing what I mean

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[quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1381497335' post='2239887']
Here's the trick - you simply use a single piece of masking tape which covers above the edge.

Then, use a small file (or something similar) to rub along the covered edge. The file wears away the masking along the sharp edge. You then simply peel off the excess, lwavibg you with neat masking right up to the edge of the headstock.

I'll post video clip later showing what I mean

Brilliant idea! thank you!

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Okay, masking off edges before spraying.

Here are some pics to show you what I mean. I've used a pickup routing hole as an example.

first, apply some masking tape to the area, ensuring some of the tape goes over the edge.


The, get a small file or something similar (a nail file works well)


Lightly rub the file along the edges. This wears away the tape at the crease, which allows you to peel off the excess easily. Thevrnd resukt being a neat masking of the area in question.




then, after spraying, the clean up of the edges is a very simple task.

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Okay, on to the body.

I've applied a thin coat of white primer, time now to apply the Olympic White - slowly does it.

I'll begin by applying a few coats around the edges:


and, the headstock - decal now applied. I've used a '62 style one as the build is influenced by the 62 body layout with a '66 style neck. When the decal has dried out I'll apply clear gloss iver the Olympic White.


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Thanks matey! I'm now resigning myself to the forthcoming wait for the lacquer to dry out before final flatting and buffing. I'll get the Olympic White on the body flatted tomorrow, then get the clear gloss topcoats on. I'll then need to leave it all for a few weeks to harden properly before final flatting, and then buffing to a shine.

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The clear gloss on the neck has been applied. I've also rolled the fingerboard edges to give the neck a played-in, comfortable feel.

Here's some pics showing how it'll look when completed


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[quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1381673314' post='2242061']
The clear gloss on the neck has been applied. I've also rolled the fingerboard edges to give the neck a played-in, comfortable feel.

Here's some pics showing how it'll look when completed

Absolutely beautiful! Although my taste would dictate dark tort :)

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