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[quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1380472311' post='2225775']
It was certainly mine, gigging my new(2nd hand) compact tonight!

Excellent, let us know how it goes. :)

Posted (edited)

Alex I vented at you a while back for talking in marketing-speak rather than the more expansive discussions of old. I'm really pleased to see these new gen cabs announced, and REALLY pleased to see a decent discussion of design elements and philosophies on your site, which actually openly encompasses the limitations of the older designs. E.g. the reasoning for the change to high-quality 2-way is something I definitely agree with.

My experience has been that other drivers had become available off-the-shelf that usefully surpassed the performance of the Kappalite series, but it looks like you have an OEM model that leapfrogs these nicely. I've not previously thought BF (or any manufacturer) worth it for me compared to DIY, but that's not the case any longer. I think I'll be buying one at some point (though if you wanted to sell me a driver even at a nice premium I'd be a happy customer :) )

EDIT: Also, the price looks very fair on these, I'm really impressed all round

Edited by LawrenceH

Finally had an opportunity to play through my Super Twin with the band this evening. Only a rehearsal but went though 26 songs with a temp. drummer who is playing a gig with us on Friday.

Impressions? Wonderful tone, playing a Fender Jazz through an Ashdown ABM 500 Evo II, volume at about 25%, EQ close to flat, and it sounded...incredible. Cut through our five piece with ease, without sounding loud, without the twangy treble I am forced to use to hear myself, just a beautiful warm bass sound. The sound was eerily similar to that I had in a recording studio a couple of months ago, playing through an old Fender Bassman recorded onto analogue tape, which is just what I wanted.


Lawrence, I'm glad you (conceptually at least!) like what we're doing, it's been a massive project over the last few years and we're thrilled with the final products. Dave, I hope Friday's gig doesn't befall any more unfortunate events and the new cab brings the rock - your rehearsal tone bodes well on that front!


[quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1382012141' post='2246644']
I already have a 2nd gen Super12T but i really can't help but want a Big Baby 2!!!
Me too


[quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1382012141' post='2246644']
I already have a 2nd gen Super12T and a Midget T but i really can't help but want a Big Baby 2!!! Has anyone had the pleasure of trying one yet?

Waiting patiently for mine!
Any sign of it yet Alex?


Took delivery of my BIg Baby 2 today - it appears i have number 1.
Had a quick go this evening and it sounds awesome.


Sorry, pictures or it didn't happen! :D

[quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1382121910' post='2248410']
Took delivery of my BIg Baby 2 today - it appears i have number 1.
Had a quick go this evening and it sounds awesome.


Went to Barefaced headquarters today and had the gen 3 handles fitted in my Super 12. Now my cab looks even sexier :) Had a really nice chat with Alex, who's a real gent. Also, had a proper look and, more importantly, listen to the new Super Compact. The competition is gonna eat dirt.

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