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Bass Gods of the Future?


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Who are we going to be celebrating in thirty year's time from the current and recent crop of new bassists as bass heroes and innovators?

Who will be elevated to the status of people like Jaco, Entwistle, Geddy, Mark King, Stanley Clark, Chris Squire, Robbie Shakespeare? People who aren't bassists actually talking about them with glowing eyes and hearts.

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[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1381005105' post='2233390']
Will it be someone from a band , or someone from Youtube (or whatever it will be called in 30 years time) who play covers ? Some of them get hundreds of thousands of views
Christ I hope it's a real bassist in a real band!

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381004195' post='2233368']
Who will be elevated to the status of people like Jaco, Entwistle, Geddy, Mark King, Stanley Clark, Chris Squire, Robbie Shakespeare? People who aren't bassists actually talking about them with glowing eyes and hearts.

I don't think there will be any new ones.

These guys ^ were purported to have broken new ground when they were younger.
All I generally see these days are people breaking the same new ground that the guys above did.

There's a finite amount of sensible new ground, and I think we're more or less at that point. :)

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381005307' post='2233396']
I don't think there will be any new ones.

These guys ^ were purported to have broken new ground when they were younger.
All I generally see these days are people breaking the same new ground that the guys above did.

There's a finite amount of sensible new ground, and I think we're more or less at that point. :)

But music is changing and evolving all the time, are you just thinking of the old genres and not taking account of new avenues for bassists?

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[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1381006056' post='2233421']
[sub]Someone like this who has over 1 million views. Most bands could only dream off this sort of exposure.[/sub]

I'm talking about people who will have made a creative or technical impact though mate, we'd have to hear/see what she's really made of musically, at the moment we only know she can rip Jamiroquai while looking like your ideal new neighbour.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381005903' post='2233416']
But music is changing and evolving all the time, are you just thinking of the old genres and not taking account of new avenues for bassists?

I'm not sure it is.

Latest thing is blokes in dodgy hats (excepting yourself of course) playing acoustic guitars - haven't seen that since the last time. :)

Disco trancey music doesn't really feature musicians and thrash grunge metal isn't hugely different from the heavy metal of yesteryear except it's louder and perhaps a little less tuneful.

I think every generation thinks it's inventing something new, but I've reached the age now when it's just the same stuff with a 'NEW!' label stuck to it.

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