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Bass Gods of the Future?


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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381007176' post='2233440']
Haha - Dood's here, now you're all in trouble... :D

Ha ha ha ha, you're all lucky, I've a glass of something strong in hand.. Medicinal mind :)

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381007287' post='2233444']

What for? The boob job? :D

Well things have been pretty good since - I mean, i get over 1 million views just for doing some ole Jamreekwhy covers and doing ma hair all up nice :)

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Anyway, dragging the thread right back across that line....

What will the future bass gods be? Once upon a time, before the internet they were slaying stadiums of fans, but now, do they even need to leave their teenage bedrooms?

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381004867' post='2233382']
...and Dood as soon as he's had his 142 string bass delivered. :D

Yeah, I'd heard about that. His plan was to dance across it using his twinkletoes, to pluck the strings. A kind of bass dancing ballet if you will.

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I don't think there's any new ground to be broken...


there will always be creative people and it would take someone in an enormously popular band who has personality to be considered a superstar innovator, even if he's just a good player. (Think Flea).


...because the music industry is dead and music is so assessable, I don't see that happening.

Name ONE band that set the stage for a generation since the popularity of YouTube. I can't think of any.

Edited by Lowender
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[quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381023922' post='2233549']
I don't think there's any new ground to be broken...


there will always be creative people and it would take someone in an enormously popular band who has personality to be considered a superstar innovator, even if he's just a good player. (Think Flea).


...because the music industry is dead and music is so assessable, I don't see that happening.

Name ONE band that set the stage for a generation since the popularity of YouTube. I can't think of any.

youtube isnt about setting the stage for a generation imho - unless of course it is a generation of shallow fickle fashion followers who know sod all about music - that whole schtick has been monopolised buy scowell and the likes to be fed relentlessy to the brain-dead proles :ph34r:

on the other hand youtube has brought us wonderful lasting music like this


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In the grand scheme of music what we as a whole (myself included) regard as bass playing and ground breaking music is nothing but a blip in time, how long as electricity been available in every venue, 100 years or less? never mind how long has electric bass been about. We have no idea what will happen next really do we, strange inplanted sounds that stimulate sections of the brain or something? We are seeing a real rise in popularity of double bass (again myself included) and traditional instruments in general, maybe the elec bass will be a thing that was popular for 100 years only, who knows? :)

Edited by stingrayPete1977
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[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1381044882' post='2233604']
youtube isnt about setting the stage for a generation imho - unless of course it is a generation of shallow fickle fashion followers who know sod all about music - that whole schtick has been monopolised buy scowell and the likes to be fed relentlessy to the brain-dead proles :ph34r:

on the other hand youtube has brought us wonderful lasting music like this


YouTube is a mixed blessing. Yeah, any twerp and post anything, but in an era where there are fewer and fewer opportunities for artists, it's a place to have one's work heard and to hear some great stuff. It takes a little research.

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I think anyone who can make you stand up and take notice SHOULD be an inspiration and future bass god, don't know whether it will work out that way.

I can think of one basschatter who I have seen play (only on video sadly) that made me go WOW, as he made the bass his own and yet perfectly complemented his band.... And that was Urb.

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The trouble is it takes a while before a bass player is cemented into anyones psyche and held up as a 'god'.
All the players in the OP are 70's or 80's, more recent additions would be Flea, Chris Wolstenholme, Matt Freeman, Fat Mike, all from 90's bands (yes they were around before but I wouldn't say mainstream then) but it's taken a while before the general public saw them as bass gods. So maybe todays most elite players will take another 10/20 years before they're considered gods.
Maybe sadly music doesn't matter as much nowadays, it used be a defining trait of who you were growing up, if you were into one thing then that's pretty much who you were, you didn't get involved with other genres, it was an all encompassing scene, almost territorial . Now teenagers are into all sorts of music, the different genres are merged, this may be a good thing but I think it means people aren't as passionate about music so can be happy with bland dross were the bass isn't even noticed. And if you can make your fortune by playing bland bass in a band that's popular because marketing says it will be, then who can blame the players.
I feel it's watered down because a band with a different style or sound come along and 'make it', then every other record label finds or creates a band that sounds the same so the originals don't stand out anymore, maybe it's always been that way but it never felt like it. I grew up in the 80's so I'll use some bands from then as examples, Madness were a band with an unmistakable sound of their own but other record companies didn't try to recreate them, Duran Duran, The Cure, were others, yes some sounded similar but not to the extent it is today. A band are popular and suddenly within six months there are a dozen others that sound the same.
Obviously this doesn't mean there aren't youngsters who are passionate about music, my two are and I'm very proud of them for it, but it seems an awful lot of people are happy to buy music that doesn't stand out or move them.
I'm a miserable sod :D !!

Edited by Maude
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I think there are actually very few (if any) 'bass gods' as far as the general public is concerned. This is a musician-only thing, I feel. I'm pretty sure the majority of the population aren't even aware that McCartney is a bass player, for example. He just plays that funny-looking guitar and is famous for being in the Beatles and for writing songs with Lennon.

Stop someone at random in the street and I bet they couldn't name even five bass players.

Edited by discreet
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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381079238' post='2234113']

Stop someone at random in the street and I bet they couldn't name even five bass players.

Hold up a guitar and bass and ask them to point at the bass and they'd probably fail :( .

I typed general public but suppose I meant folks into music but not into playing but I know what you're saying.
I'm so depressed now I'm going to sell all my basses, but nobody will want them anyway :D .
I've been waiting for the next big game changing scene but it doesn't seem to be coming.

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