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Free gig in Glasgow tonight -Titus Pullo -Broadcast 7pm

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We're playing a free show tonight in Broadcast as part of a showcase event. If you fancy it c'mon down but I'll need a wee PM via basschat to get your name down on the door. I'm confident they'll let people just dander on in but to be safe PM me if you can make it and we'll be SURE you get in. I think there are 5 acts in total so good value as it's free.

Oh yeah and IT"S FREE!!!!!!!



Ahh dude my old bass had reverse tuners so when going into a dropped d number I got completely lost as I'd naturally went to turn the tuning peg the way I was used to and couldn't figure out where the string was tuned -stumbled through on the d string once I got my bearings back. I felt like a complete muppet "Look at yer man can't even tune his bass" Otherwise not a bad gig! :)


[quote name='krispn' timestamp='1381224402' post='2235894']
Ahh dude my old bass had reverse tuners so when going into a dropped d number I got completely lost as I'd naturally went to turn the tuning peg the way I was used to and couldn't figure out where the string was tuned -stumbled through on the d string once I got my bearings back. I felt like a complete muppet "Look at yer man can't even tune his bass" Otherwise not a bad gig! :)

oh no matey! I hate having to go from standard tuners to reverse tuners as I always always ALWAYS go the wrong way :blush: It's always horrible especially in public! Sounds like you manfully ploughed on through the moment and emerged triumphant after a good gig!? :D

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