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Bass effects pedal to make a plectrum sound like a finger


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Hi all, just wondering if you can help...

I tend to use a plectrum rather than fingers as it suit the playing style I've been doing for some time, although do use fingers as well as the tone works well with other stuff.

[b]I was wondering if there is a pedal available which generates a "finger tone" when playing with a plectrum - or vice-versa. [/b]

Some songs also start with a pick and then build up to plectrum - work be useful to switch the sound using a pedal rather than grabbing a pick from the mic stand when playing live.

Any advice would be muchly appreciated!!


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I think the best thing is to just play with your fingers, there's no substitute for the real thing. It's a bit like using a keyboard in place of a brass section if you ask me...

But if you want to go down this route, basically you want to adjust the envelope and tone of the signal. You can roll off the treble a bit (or use EQ to take some of the harshness away) and use a decent compressor, with some fairly extreme settings to go either way (more or less attack basically)...

Although those felt plectrums seem like a good compromise to me.

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There's something different which happens to the rhythm and attack when you use fingers IMO, just eq/compression or whatever won't make a plectrum sounds like fingers, particularly if you don't play only downstrokes with the plectrum.

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A comp with hard attack and a quick release will get you close to a fingerstyle tone when using a pick but IMO you're better off getting proficient with both techniques and trying to avoid switching between the two during songs. If necessary practice flicking the plec between your ring finger and pinky when not using it. Its just like rolling a coin between your fingers and doesn't take too long to master.

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A pick has a faster attack and more high end than fingers. I guess a limiter with the threshold set very subtly could sort out the fast attack, and rolling off the tone knob on your bass could sort out the high end

I play with a thumb pick so that I can switch between fingers and pick easily.

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Another vote for a soft material plectrum. I've one here that is made from leather. I'd probably never use it myself, it was a gift. Nevertheless, it does a really good job of sounding like fingers instead of a pick. The only downside is that it is about 5mm thick. Not ideal if you are after serious speed.

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