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Hey, can someone explain the differences in the type of strings Evah Pirazzi offer?

http://www.thomann.de/gb/pirastro_evah_pirazzi_kontrabass.htm (Medium)

http://www.thomann.de/gb/pirastro_evah_pirazzi_kontrabass_weich.htm (Light/Weich)

What are the differences in sound and playability?

I play mostly jazz stuff but still use a bow. (I'm sure both strings are suitable)

Mediums, harder to play? (but bigger sounding?)


I've not played either (try geoffbassist for a view on the weichs, as he is a big fan; you can see them on his DB instructional videos). From my understanding the non-weichs are relatively stiff/tense and some say they are pretty hard work on the right hand - I think its why they later introduced the weichs.

I would recommend the Strings forum of TalkBass as a good resource for investigating views on these and other strings [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f17/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f17/[/url]


They are both great and for me the weichs work better as I find the mediums hard work on the right hand. That said they do have a bigger sound as you would expect, but I really like the tone of the weichs.

We could talk forever about string choices, but it is a very personal thing. It also depends what suits your bass. I love spiros but they never seem to work for my. I also like helicore lights, obligato, zyex and probably a few more. Belcanto are my preferred arco string.


I've had both - prefer the Weichs, they really aren't that thin. The regular gauge are heavy going. They are superb with the bow and excellent pizz too - very dark sound compared to Spirocore. Make a cheap bass sound more expensive. I'm thinking of getting a Evah Weich A to put on my bass now actually. They blend quite nicely with gut strings as well.


My first bass came with Evah mediums on it. That was hard work as a total beginner! I also had the weichs for a while and like everybody else above I really like them. If I used the bow at all I would consider using them again, they've got a really rich bowed sound.


I have not tried the regular's yet, but I switched to Evah Weich's earlier this year after a number of years committed to Obligato's.
I absolutely love the Evah Weich's, not only for the sheer comfort when playing, but they brought the sound of my bass to life, and are probably the first set of strings I've ever tried that have been almost perfectly balanced across the spectrum. Very impressed. Would highly recommend.

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