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Nearly NCD....


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I'm just in from a rather excellent band practice where we knocked out two great covers - it just all came together nicely. It happens now and again, especially when we do our homework beforehand :)

Also, I'm rather excited to report that I shall be picking up a BF Super 12 on Saturday morning. I've been waiting the best part of 2 years for this moment, and one came up unexpectedly within my budget.

I cannot wait.



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Ah, yes, if it's the one I'm thinking of, it was a good price !

The advent of the Gen 3 series seems to have been particularly unkind to values of the Gen 2's. Doesn't change the fact that the Gen 2's are no less excellent than they were. Just means that they are available to those of us on lesser budgets

Good luck my friend ! I almost considered going for it myself. Just think I'd miss the tweeter a bit too much in the end.

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Yes, I've heard of these tweeter things. They'll never catch on though ;)

Seriously though, yes it was a great price. The recent release of the Next Gen cabs appears to have had an affect on the residual values of the previous generations. Plus, I have never seen so many S12 or S12T cabs on the marketplace at the same time.

They are still stunning cabs and worth the money.

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I spent the best part of yesterday playing with my new toy. Mrs Geoff politely reminded me that I had plenty of other things to be getting on with, but they have been rescheduled for today.

Until yesterday I had never seen a S12 in the flesh, and it's size to me a little by surprise - it's less bulky than I thought it was going to be. Same width and depth as my Compact, but only 5 inches taller.

Build, fit & finish every bit as good as my Compact. I'm not convinced about the handle placement though. Brian mentioned this when we met, and I have to agree with him. Still getting used to having a cab with wheels, although I'm sure a bumpy pub car park will get the better of them.

Soundwise, I've not heard or played through such an expressive cab before. It brings a new level of clarity and nuance above my Compact - to the extent that I can now clearly hear the difference that the Bright switch makes on my LB30 (I'm still convinced the Mid-shift switch isn't connected up though lol). It seems so much more responsive to tonal and playing variations.

That's about it for now. The biggest test will be a gig.



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[quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1382860331' post='2257184']

Soundwise, I've not heard or played through such an expressive cab before. It brings a new level of clarity and nuance above my Compact


Gah, don't say things like that, GAS is a bastard

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