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Hi there, new to this site, though been browsing for a few days... so now i've joined group a quick intro.

I'm Paul, Live near Belfast ,Came by site via a card slipped into case of new axe, bought from site member,

Playing bass for a long old time, various bands, gigging once or twice a week, local bars and clubs, weddings, corperates etc.

Have a thing for Musicman basses, though i have a few others. amp wise, after many breakdowns of ashdowns, peavey, and hartke's, i
have fully embraced modelling technology... bass pod xt pro, crown power amps, and hartke cabs, or direct to pa if i'm feeling lazy..

So,... everyone seems to have a long gear list as their signature.... is it cool or just annoying.? People having basses that i think
i would like, telling us how stunning they sound, feel, play.... oh no off to ebay again, spending money i dont have
... I do like the bass porn section, coool

Nice to be here.... Paul


I think it's fine. Most of the time I gloss over it anyway, but then it's good when it's there because if someone is talking about something specific then it's helpful to see what their points of reference are.

Good to see another Nordie here. Up Down!!

Cheers, Gareth.


Hi Paul,

I found it tedious, so I turned it off (My Contols/Board Settings) almost as soon as I got here - never felt the urge to turn it back on again :)

Oh and welcome aboard!


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