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I work in a music store and have noticed the steady decline of the number of people, especially young kids, showing an interest in playing bass. During the last two Saturdays, barely a couple of people have looked at bass guitars and amps. I ordered the new USA Fender Dimension bass, but have been forced to cancel it, as it's £1500 worth that will probably sit on our wall doing nothing. This, along with drums, seems to be a growing trend...kids just don't seem interested in playing these instruments at present. A theory I agree with is that there is no bass hero to inspire kids to play bass. Flea was probably the last one, but he's dropped off the radar. The bands in vogue at the moment seem to have faceless bassists that play bass parts you can easily pick up, especially via YouTube. What young beginner is going to know about Victor Wooten, Marcus, Jaco, etc? Players that inspire them to learn a certain technique. There is a teaching school across the road from our shop. The bass teacher has three pupils. It's a worrying trend.


There is a local school near me offering bass guitar lesson on a weekly basis...the class is full of young kids. It is great to see so many aspiring players.

I wouldn't worry too much about the future of the bass.

Posted (edited)

Bass is still very much in fashion going by the thousands of kids to be seen playing it badly (and sometimes goodly) on YouTube. And young master discreet (11) has just started taking drum lessons at his school and is loving it.

Whether he'll be up to scratch in time to be in a band with me before I'm incapable of standing up is debatable, but there it is. His peers are learning bass, guitar, keyboards and percussion and at least one of them thinks I'm cool for being a bass player, too. :)

So Guitar Hero hasn't quite killed off 'real' instruments - yet.

Edited by discreet

My son is 10 and he wants to learn guitar/or bass now I have showed him a few bits on bass but now he has his mind on guitar and believe it or not the school he goes to does not teach guitar of any form or drums all they seem to want to teach is the violin or brass instruments so looks like he will have to go for private lessons I think where you are in the country has alot to do with what schools teach when we lived in Essex the schools really did a lot of musical related stuff but here in the sticks lol it is a struggle to unless you pay for private lessons which can be very expensive. I have seen some of the musical workshops that run in some places around the country they look really good and could be the way forward? I also do not think kids need a bass icon such as Flea or Jaco or whoever to get them interested but perhaps I am wrong.


What current music, played on mainstream radio has prominent bass in it? I think back to "my day" with JJ, Bruce Foxton etc, then a bit further on with the early 80s bands where bass was really up in the mix, then forward to Mark King, Duff McKagan, Krist Novoselic. The bass could be heard, on your regular radio/tv shows etc. Now, aside from a few notable tunes such as Bruno Mars/Robin Thicke, bass just doesn`t seem to be "there" as much. Less exposure as an interesting instrument is likely to breed less of an interest. We don`t necessarily need heroes, we just need modern music to let the bass be heard.


I can't say that this fits at all with my experience of 'young kids' over the last few years.

My son (now 19) and his mates and his bands are into all sorts of instruments including guitar, keyboards, bass and drums but - and this is the difference from when I was in my late teens - also including trumpet and trombone and accordion and banjo and violin and viola and harmonica and melodica etc etc .... and they never listen to mainstream radio ... and they are not very interested in rock music ...

.... and anyway which 'young kids' are going to buy a £1500 Fender Dimension Bass? None of them, I should think.


I agree that there is not much mainstream with prominent bass, however Master PJT (15) favours modern indie (Two Door Cinema Club, Wombats, Bombay Bicycle Club) to supplement his love of playing prog and rock bass lines as the bass is usually fairly busy and integral to the songs. He also enjoys the samba and jazz rhythms of the big band that he plays with and he adapts and uses the runs and fills in his own music! There is plenty there to inspire, but as always we look to the past and put our own slant on it.


[quote name='PJT' timestamp='1385769137' post='2292148']
I agree that there is not much mainstream with prominent bass...

I suppose it depends what you think of as 'mainstream'. :)


[quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1385769991' post='2292161']
I blame the B string.
I tend to agree. Though I think it depends how the arrangement works.


I'd guess it's more to do with availability and accessability of electronics. For instance any garageband equipped device is a portal to 'musicianing' without any knowledge of instruments.


I think different areas of the country have different tastes. Where I live bass players are pretty in demand as there aren't many of us but I know other towns where everyone seems to play bass. I think things are as healthy now as they ever were.


I blame Simon Cowell. It is also his fault that I got a puncture yesterday and that my garden fence has blown down. In all seriousness though, I think the British public's magnetic attraction to reality TV and 'talent' shows is having a severely detrimental effect on the music industry from what we hear on the radio to how many punters venture out for gigs.


How is interest in guitars Pete, is there a drop off in six string interest too? If there is, then yes, this is worrying as this would potentially indicate a move towards those wanting instant success in a Cowell boy/girl band type scenario, i.e. maximum gain for minimal effort. However, if guitar sales are as normal, or higher, then the other instruments will follow in their wake as these folks form bands and find 2 guitarists too many. However, a successful band with a bass player front and centre would hurt; we need another Lynott, Sting, etc.


I don't think it matters what instruments kids start on. It's where they end up that is important. And anyway surely lets be thankful that enough of them are still interested in music sufficiently to take up any instrument. It's the music that counts not the instrument(s) used.

I think the shop is right to cancel the order of an expensive Fender bass. When bass guitar comes back to the forefront of popular music it is unlikely that it will be a Fender. Just look at the historical evidence. The last time bass was really "up-front" it was all Status, Jaydee, Steinberger, Wal, Aria and Ibanez. It might not be those exact makes next time, but it is unlikely to be the anonymous Fender.


I usually get in to Wunjo when in the West End and it's often full of youngsters looking for their first proper bass. The staff seem to have endless patience while some spotty Herbert decides on which is the best for metal.

I think things are fine. Maybe the OP's view comes from the fact the there is less money around and maybe the kids are buying s/h somewhere else

Posted (edited)

Bass, as in low frequency sound, has never been so popular - tonnes of music is based entirely on the bassline, 'bass' has become a genre in itself! Trouble is that bass guitars can't really compete with those pesky synths! Wobbling low frequency oscillations and throbbing sawtooth waves at pant destroying frequencies... (plus you can play them with one finger!?)

Edited by tedmanzie
Posted (edited)

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385806908' post='2292327']
I don't think it matters what instruments kids start on. It's where they end up that is important. And anyway surely lets be thankful that enough of them are still interested in music sufficiently to take up any instrument. It's the music that counts not the instrument(s) used.

I agree!

Edited by discreet

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385806908' post='2292327']
I think the shop is right to cancel the order of an expensive Fender bass...
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]When bass guitar comes back to the forefront of popular music... [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]it is unlikely to be the anonymous Fender. [/font][/color]

I find that hard to believe, what with you being such a fan of Fender basses and all. Strange days indeed. ;)


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385808641' post='2292347']
I find that hard to believe, what with you being such a fan of Fender basses and all. Strange days indeed. ;)

Hey, if only Fender made 5 stringers, then BRX would be a convert! :lol: :huh:


hm, own experience with so called bass tutor -> 1. asking what song do you want to learn, 2. checked tabs online, wrote down by pencil, 3. played it a bit. when done go to 1.
(amps we had there were everything but bass, 8 inch driver etc..)
Maybe unlucky me but after couple of lessons i quit as complete rubbish.

Since somebody mentioned S.Cowell and that kind of TV shows this always make me laughing:


To most youngsters, the thing that looks cool is the lead guitar, vocalist etc. Not really the bass seat. I think you have to have and early liking for the job of the bass player, or as I have come across more than once when teaching, nobody else in the band wanted to play bass and we've all heard "it's got 4 strings do I thought it would be easier/quicker to learn than guitar.

Ta very glad


[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1385806595' post='2292322']
instant success in a [b]Cowbell[/b] boy/girl band
There, I fixed it.

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