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No need to respond to. In fact there's not really even a need to read this; I just wanted to vent!

I was in a band earlier this year, orignal heavy rock, and all was going well. We were building the band from the ground up and had written a good length set of songs. We were just beginning to work out what local venues to talk to with the aim of getting our first few gigs booked and BOOM! The singer announces that he's leaving. He's off to the other end of the country for work/family reasons so there's no hard feelings, just came as a bit of a shock to all of us.

The band spent a couple of months searching for a singer, to no avail, so I started looking around for something else. I audituoned for a band, original heavy rock, and they offered me the job.

I mulled it over and spoke to "management" about it; the decision was reached that I'd take it.

Two weeks later the first band found a new singer!

So; here I am in two original heavy rock bands. This situation lasted until last week when, after much deliberation, I decided I wasn't enjoying the second band. It had never really clicked. I can't explain it better than that as I liked the guys in the band and I liked the songs we were writing, I just wasn't enjoying being part of it.

I told the guys that I'd like them to start looking for a new bass player as I didn't really want to keep going much in to the new year, but I'd keep helping them while they were looking. I obviously bruised the guitards ego as just after I left the car park, we'd just finished the weekly rehearsal, he through his toys out of the pram, quit the band, and told the front man he couldn't use any of the songs they'd written together.

So band two went kaboom; doesn't matter as I'm really enjoying band one, until tonight!

I had a text from the drummer telling me the guitarist was stuck in a meeting and couldn't make rehearsal tonight, did I still want to get together anyway? I've had some bad news today so giving it a miss tonight was a welcome choice. About an hour later the guitarist phones me to tell me that he feels awful always being the one who can't make the rehearsals and he's going to quit. As he was the founding member of the band, and we've not even got the new singer fully up to speed it has signalled the end of that band!



Probably could keep going without the guitarist, but, despite not being the best guitarist I've ever worked with he is one of the best musicians I've ever worked with.

The whole band were on the same musical page despite coming from very different influences.

The drummer is very good, without wanting to over complicate everything.

The singer has a good voice, but has never been the front man of a band before so isn't all "look at me".

The guitarist is really creative and comes up with interesting riffs but, and this is very rare, knows how to leave space for the bass and drums to breathe. He even needs to be asked to turn up!

If I'm being totally honest; we've not split, we're taking a break until next year so we can see how things pan out for everyone in their personal lives.

Hopefully it'll be new year, new start.

I've just had a REALLY bad day so I'm expecting the worst.


Look on the positives Dave - and from your second post there are a fair few there. Get the silly season out of the way and regroup, onwards and upwards.


That sucks Dave. But, something will work itself out, you just haven't got there yet. Have the month off to figure out what you want. And go get it.


I feel your pain. Two promising, original bands from last Jan (one from May in fact).
Gigs lined up for one and some good ones with an EP under belt thwarted by unreliable drummer.
Second band: gigs lined up, foiled by petulant and frankly despicable guitarist creating an atmosphere of discontent.
New Year looks like it's bringing more than one opportunity.

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