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Knob position


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I was just wondering how you like your knobs? :blink: For example, if you have a blend or active tone knob with a centre indent, do you like it so that the marker (if it has one) is in the up position, down position, at an angle facing you, or some other position when at that centre position?. Similarly where do you like the marker to point at max/min volume?

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[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1386113532' post='2296132']
I'm used to mine. As I look at the bass whilst playing it:

- EQ Knobs: max is 11, midway is 6 and min is 1
- Pup blend: neck pup is 11, 50/50 is 6 and bridge pup is 1

No angles, just straight up, perpendicular to the neck.
[/quote] But seriously, I have three basses and I've just realised that all three are different. I suppose 6 o'clock as the centre position makes sense for the indented ones, however it's the volume knobs that aren't so straight forward - I guess (looking down at the bass) 11 o'clock for max and 1 o'clock for minimum also makes sense. I wonder if this is the most common way of having it? I know it really makes no difference, just a little OCD kicking in I suppose.

Edited by darkandrew
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