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Malekko Diabolik


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just posted this in another thread actually! I finally got a chance to give the Diabolik a proper run out last night after practice (P-bass, old bassman 135 and a 4x12)… and I can confirm it's a great pedal

The blend on it is definitely needed, as the fuzz itself can get pretty messed up, but it's a good blend, it doesn't sound like separate fuzz and clean bass signals, which is something I really hate in dirt pedals. With the squeeze control up past 1 o'clock, you can get some great gated sounds, really nasty (in a good way). It would be quite easy to think the pedal is limited as you don't have any tone control, but you can actually get a pretty wide range of sounds out of it.

I was liking it, but not loving it, until I started using it after my OC-2, and lowering the volume on my bass, and then I loved it. I've never used a fuzz on bass where turning down your volume can result in such a change to the sound… it really starts to bring out the upper harmonics and octave, and with the OC-2 set to -2 and -1 with no clean signal, and the volume on the bass down somewhere between a third and half volume, I was getting the best synth tones I've ever coaxed out of my rig, almost organ tones.

It's a fantastic pedal, but for me is going to be a home and studio tool, as the best sounds (IMO) are squeezed out of this thing at lower input volumes. JMJ said it's not a 'traditional fuzz, and he's right, I'll still be using my tall font Russian for gigs, but this is a cracking pedal, and covers a lot of ground. Totally different beast to a muff J

Prac didn't end til gone 12 last night so I was too knackered to record any clips but I'll try and do some next week.

Edited by GazWills
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