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[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1387800389' post='2315760']
...if I'm lucky I'll get Whisky & Pants :)

Nothing's ever whisky and pants. Or boobs and ice-cream.


Posted (edited)

Mrs Ez and I have wound down what we buy each other at Christmas and this year we're not buying anything for each other. I could be miserable and say that Santa is probably bringing me shredded nerves this year as we're spending it with the in laws and their kids (I work in a primary school and could do with a break from children frankly) but that would very Scrooge like (even though I've managed to it do anyway ;) ). I did receive a pressie from my daughter and a quick feel revealed that it was a framed picture; I've been on at her that this is all we ever really want as we don't see her very often. So as we're away I opened it and I'm so glad I did......

Edited by ezbass

Already had a chunk towards my Mustang as my birthday is only a week or so before Christmas. All being well by brother has got me one of those hats with the furry ear-flaps - unfortunately Mrs Axe is unlikely to be impressed, arbiter of good taste that she is :gas:


[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1387798154' post='2315699']
Am I the only person that likes presents to be a surprise?


Now the kids are grown up (about as adult as me, so not very) we are trying out secret santa within the family this year. Cash limit £25.

Everyone was getting a bit fed up of being asked what they would like to receive and then trying to look surprised and delighted when they received it, or worse still actually going and buying it yourself for somebody else to wrap up.


[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1387803373' post='2315831']
I've been on at her that this is all we ever really want as we don't see her very often. So as we're away I opened it and I'm so glad I did...

Well there you go, the true essence of Christmas. Great pic. :)


I have lost a stone & a half since September so I've asked for a smaller belt. I can now fit into clothes I bought a couple of years ago so it already feels like I've got a new wardrobe.

Will be trying very hard not to put it all back on over Xmas :-)


[quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1387827133' post='2316235']
Santa brought me a nice light 79 Precision and a not so light Hiwatt 100 watt valve head, Mrs Santa now insists many articles are sold to pay them :(

Got to be worth it under any circumstances! :D

Posted (edited)

So its either nothing, buy your own or in some cases a bass related item then. :D

The photo from daughter in navy tops it so far. Great photo and gift.
Its not about what you get but more about family time.


Edited by dmccombe7

[quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1387846100' post='2316508']

:gas: :rolleyes: B)

Arrived today :)

Nice basses the Zephyrs. I had an NT 4-string until fairly recently and a new Kiogon harness transformed it as the pots were a bit too scratchy when I acquired it. Love the V/T plus V/T set up, like an un-stacked stack-knob jazz bass.


[quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1387865218' post='2316549']
So its either nothing, buy your own or in some cases a bass related item then. :D

The photo from daughter in navy tops it so far. Great photo and gift.
Its not about what you get but more about family time.


This ^ absolutely. Although I'm also looking forward to receiving an in-ear monitoring system which will be used in anger on our gig on new years eve :-)

Merry Christmas to one and all.


[quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1387795702' post='2315647']
I've been a very naughty boy, so Santa is bringing me a lump of coal.

With the cost of heating bills it has to be worth being naughty, receiving coal, then spending the gas bill money on relieving GAS! :D


I will be getting absolutely nothing for Xmas this year, and that is the way I like. I don't celebrate Christmas, and everybody who knows me well enough to buy me a present knows that.

You should also be aware that I do , however, spend a bleedin' fortune on presents for other people, just in case you were thinking that this not celebrating the festive season is part of cynical and calculated plan to save money after having totted up that my outgoings were exceeding my incomings when it comes to gifts. Lots of people talk a good game when it comes to "I hate Christmas, what a load of bollocks ect..." , but I put my money where my mouth is ( kind of) and genuinely do not want any of it for myself. That doesn't mean that I want to spoil this annual highlight for anyone else , however, and my nephews in particular will be benefiting from my extraordinary generosity this year , despite the fact that have never met me.

Anyhow, the kind of things I would want for Christmas are probably illegal , definitely immoral, and you can't wrap them up in anything except latex .

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