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Mornin' all! :)

I have seen this logo before but can't pin it down.

I have made the image as bright as I can but the logo is a fish with it's tail flipped over it.
You can just see that the nut has detailing between the strings and there is a machined
shoulder all around the head.

I just can't put my finger on it - any ideas?

Described as a Custom from the late 70's - any old gits (like me) out there can ring any
bells for me???

Cheers. :)


I knew it, I just knew it!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:

I thought, I know this - I [i]do [/i]know this and then I thought, no - give up,
put it out to the BC community and the answer would be there.

Less than half an hour later, the old grey cells kicked into life and it came back to me!! ;)

Ray Cooper!!!! :D


That's that sorted - when I next have a memory relapse. . . . . . . I'll put it up on here.

Wishing all on BC and Happy Cristmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Cheers. :)


Great stuff I had seen the fish logo before but could not remember ! I like your taste in basses she looked a beauty on the pics and a bargain too,.

Happy Christmas.

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